Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Nature of Logic and Perception Essay example - 687 Words

Critical thinking is the use of those cognitive skills or strategies that increase the probability of a desirable outcome. It is used to describe thinking that is purposeful, reasoned and goal directed - the kind of thinking involved in solving problems, formulating inferences, calculating likelihood’s, and making decisions when the thinker is using skills that are thoughtful and effective for the particular context and type of thinking task. Thus, critical thinking involves: following evidence where it leads; considering all possibilities; relying on reason rather than emotion; being precise; considering a variety of possible viewpoints and explanations; weighing the effects of motives and biases; being concerned more with finding the†¦show more content†¦This requires that they develop sound criteria and standards for analyzing and assessing their own thinking and routinely use those criteria and standards to improve its quality. Broadly speaking, critical thinking is concerned with reason, intellectual honesty, and open-mindedness, as opposed too emotionalism, intellectual laziness, and closed-mindedness. Wordnet views perception as â€Å"insight, intuition, or knowledge gained by perceiving, a way of conceiving something† (Wordnet, 1997). Perception, to me is the way I view something or situation, it may not necessarily be the way the situation happened. I was recently involved in a situation at work when my co-workers and me perceived that weekly department meeting would be unpleasant and hostile. The reason for the misperception was because our supervisor sent us a hostile email. He was having a badShow MoreRelated Nature of Logic and Perception Essays1127 Words   |  5 PagesNature or Logic and Perception Outline: 1. Definition of logic and its connection with critical thinking. 2. An everyday example is given when use of logic and critical thinking takes place. 3. Nature of logic defined. 4. Perceptual shortcuts and factors influencing it. 5. How these shortcuts affect our decisions. 6. My personal experience of perceptual shortcut. 7. What I learned from this experience. 8. Importance of logic and critical thinking. 9. Read More The Nature of Logic and Perception Essay698 Words   |  3 Pagesunderstand, what we do and how we think. How did we come to a certain conclusion or perception? This paper will explain the nature of logic to critical thinking. Also covered will be my own perceptual process and a description of the types of blocks that influence my views. It is the ability to hone the thinking skills necessary to become a well-rounded contributor to a society or an organization. The nature of logic to critical thinking begins at an early age. From the time one learns the differenceRead MoreEssay on The Nature of Logic and Perception745 Words   |  3 PagesThe nature of logic and perception Logic is the science of reasoning or sound reasoning. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Kant s Categorical Imperative Essay - 983 Words

The question of what is truly good and what is truly bad is a reoccurring focus of many well known philosophers. Immanuel Kant is known for his absolute and idealistic approach to answering this question, with which he provides us a medium to answer it. Kant calls this his categorical imperative. Throughout this paper I will break down Kant’s view on ethics, explain one formulation of his categorical imperative, and evaluate his theory on an existential level. Kant was a firm believer that there are two different worlds. He called them the â€Å"World of Phenomena,† and the â€Å"World of the Noumena.† Kant describes the World of Phenomena as the world of things, and the World of the Noumena as the world of ideas. It was Kant’s belief that the main goal of humanity was to rise above the phenomenal world (which is limited by physical needs, desires, and inclinations) to the noumenal world (where one is truly autonomous from laws of nature.) The only way one can reach this world is by attaining a perfectly good will. This brings us to the question, â€Å"what is truly good?† The categorical imperative was Kant’s answer to this question. He developed this formulation to help guide people to our true moral duties when we are deciding to act. Kant instructs that to determine if an action is a moral duty one must, â€Å"Act only on that maxim through which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law of nature,† (Kant.) Put more simply, Kant wants people to consider whatShow MoreRelatedKant s Categorical Imperative Essay1454 Words   |  6 PagesIn this paper, I will explain the concept of Kant’s Categorical Imperative, and show how he used it to justify why it is wrong to lie to an inquiring murderer. I will note how he arrived at this conclusion, and why I consider it to be the correct moral answer. According to Kant, the Categorical Imperative is the supreme law of morality by which a particular rule that an individual takes as a maxim must be accepted by all rational beings. This universal acceptance is what judges an action to beRead MoreKant s Categorical Imperative Essay1246 Words   |  5 Pagesutilitarianism, Kant was more focused on intent and action itself. This leads into one of Kantian ethics main ideals; you mustn’t treat another human being as a means to an end. Kant’s Categorical Imperative (CI) is a deontological theory, which relied heavily on his belief that humans are all capable of reason in the same manner, on the same level (A Brief Summary of Kant s Categorical Imperative, 2012). Kant recognized 2 kinds of moral ‘imperatives’, a hypothetical imperative (what must be doneRead MoreKant s Categorical Imperative Essay1190 Words   |  5 PagesIn section I of Immanuel Kant’s categorical imperative, Kant argues that every huma n being alive is subject to the categorical imperative. Kant came to this conclusion by arguing that the only thing that is good without needing qualification is a good will. Throughout this paper I will discuss Kant’s good will and his three propositions. A good will is an act done from duty and motivated by respect. If a person manifests a good will in action, the respect for duty determines that I do the actionRead MoreKant s Categorical Imperative Essay2239 Words   |  9 PagesKant’s Categorical Imperative An imperative is the linguistic form of a ‘command of reason’. In section II of the Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals, German philosopher Immanuel Kant writes, â€Å"the conception of an objective principle, in so far as it is obligatory for a will, is called a command (of reason), and the formula of the command is called an imperative.† It is a rule telling us what we ought to do. He distinguishes between two types of imperatives: hypothetical and categoricalRead MoreKant s Categorical Imperative Essay1448 Words   |  6 PagesKant’s categorical imperative is a natural conclusion of reason when searching for a moral guideline that does not depend on previous expense but reason alone. The categorical imperative can be explained in many different ways. Kant offers five formulations in his work groundwork of the metaphysics of morals. The formulations of Kant’s categorical imperative can be considered a test. If your maxim passes th e test then your actions under that maxim will be good. The formulations that Kant offers,Read MoreEssay about Kant ´s Theory: Categorical Imperative and its Rules827 Words   |  4 Pageswill benefit them at the end. The purpose of Kantianism is to tell us that morality is not to make us happy but the whole purpose is to do the right thing just for the sake of doing it. Eventually doing the right thing will lead us to our happiness. Kant said that we are determined to know what’s good or what’s bad through self- law and using ourselves as our own guidance’s. We as individuals will determine our own behavior than having someone telling us how we should act because of their expectationsRead MoreKant And The Moral Law1451 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction: Kant argues that mere conformity with the moral law is not sufficient for moral goodness. I will argue that Kant is right. In this essay I will explain why Kant distinguishes between conforming with the moral law and acting for the sake of the moral law, and what that distinction means to Kant, before arguing why Kant was right. 2) Meaning of Kant’s Statement Why: According to Kant, we can control the will and meaning behind our actions. The morality of an action should be assessedRead MoreKant s Philosophy On Moral Philosophy Essay1519 Words   |  7 PagesAlthough Kant s philosophy, outlined in The Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals, has some value as a moral guide, it alone is not always sufficient. After analysing Kant s objective moral imperative, I will show that implementing his philosophy has the potential to permit what is considered to be immoral. This is due to its rigid conditions, which are formed on the basis that he believes in the existence of a perfect morality that always holds true. However, I will argue that there is notRead MoreKant And Mill On Animal Ethics Essay1365 Words   |  6 PagesIn this essay I will begin by explaining the overall views of Immanuel Kant and John Stuart Mill, then compare and contrast the ideas and philosophies of Kant and Mill on Animal Ethics. I believe that Kant, the deontologist, will not care as much about the duty/responsibility between humans and animals as Mill, the utilitarian, who will see the extreme importance of animal ethics. After studying and explaining the views and teachings of these two philosophers I will see if my thesis was correct,Read MoreThe Ones Who Walked Away from Omelas by Ursula Le Guin1424 Words   |  6 Pagesgreatest number of people. On the contrary, Kant would argue that using the child as a mere means is wrong and argue that the living conditions of the child are not universalizable. The citizens of Omelas must face this moral dilemma for all of their lives or instead choose to silently escape the city altogether. My central thesis is that Kant would give the child’s life inherent value and advocate that Omelas’ citizens abandon their practices. In this essay I aim to examine the story of Omelas through

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Upper Echelons Theory Market Orientation â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Upper Echelons Theory Market Orientation? Answer: Introduction Its with the help of marketing management that has seen GrainCorp grow, develop, rise, and survive for the last one hundred and one years. As Dr. Anh says, marketing also begins and ends with customers. Last year 2016, GrainCorp was celebrating its a hundredth birthday. Started in the year 1916 as New South Wales bulk grain to being a global Grain handler: both producing and supplying and being a supplier of Malt even to The United States as Great Western Malting, to Canada as Canada Malting Limited and The United Kingdom as Bairds Malt Limited, their drive all through has been the customer is always right and whatever we do, we do it for the customer (Beeson, 2014). What GrainCorp is a bout GrainCorp does accumulation, storage, marketing, transport, shipping and processing their products whether raw or finished. GrainCorp is in the Agribusiness industry basically dealing with grains as their product. GrainCorp has a mission of being the leading international agribusiness, as our clients most trusted and preferred partner. GrainCorp Strategy is to focus on and strengthen their main business including pursuing of development chances with worthiness fruit leaping from their investments, growing their grain original source and standardizing their efficiency and proficiency of their services (Bosworth Cutbush, 2014). GrainCorp is valued for its commitment to the safety of their employees, contractors, their site visitors and the surrounding community. This company proactively makes sure that the individuals, the colleagues are solemnly responsible for their safety as much as they are concerned with the safety of others. As Dr. Anh, GrainCorp too believes that the heart of every business is the clients or the customers. GrainCorp puts the customers either selfish or dies needs first before everything else. This is supposed to mean that GrainCorp ensures a great product with standard or high-quality products of value. GrainCorp believes that the product should not only be of standard quality but also be fulfilling the needs of the customers. They achieved this by basically listening and eventually implementing the well-mannered and honest suggestions of their customers (Wo? Gawlik, 2015). Market orientation of GrainCorp According to GrainCorp, there are two main orientations of marketing; product orientation, and market Orientation. Product orientation is viewed as an approach of the company to concentrate on the acquiring of the seeds, growth of the grains, storage of the grains and other necessary processes required to be of high standards in order to produce a standard quality grain. Market orientation is about how the product will sell, how get customers, maintain the existing customers and get more and more customers while maintaining a certain level of profits on their side, satisfy customers and fuel the business and keep it up and running. GrainCorp Company Slogan GrainCorp has had several slogans all operating at the different nonspecific and different intervals. Some of the health and safety slogans are as listed below to help employees work in the best interest of the company. Zero Harm Safe at home Safe at work Safe for life The five cs of grain corp The New South Wales Grain Elevators Board later in 1992 privatized and renamed GrainCorp was established by the New South Wales Department of Agriculture in 1916 to use modern strategies to handle the grains in Australia. By then, the grains were still being produced and stored manually in hessian sacks which made the process expensive in a then growing economy that did not need old expensive strategies for its growth and development. The actual grains dealt with are wheat, barley, and canola. The company has four reporting segments as follows Storage Logistics Malt Marketing Oils They had to find better and efficient ways of handling the grains. Today, GrainCorp operates one hundred and eighty elevators in over three thousand kilometers from Queensland, through New South Wales to Portland holding over twenty million tones. In 1996, GrainCorp became the first bulk dealer to sell and buy grains in Australia. Today, GrainCorp Marketing is known in all regions of Australia growing grains while international trade is done via global offices in North America, China, the UK, Singapore and Europe. GrainCorp worlds top position as one of the four maltsters began when they acquired United Malt Holdings back in 2009.This Company continued to grow and opening up of GrainCorp Oils in 2012. GrainCorp has basically been focusing on partnerships and expansion, key resources being customers and the grains. However, they were limited by the infrastructure. Customers Customers remain at the heart of every strategy and any plan for this company. So every laid out strategy is for the good of the customer. GrainCorp started serving Australians with Grains for their farms and from the farms of their fellow Eastern Australians. GrainCorp has operations in Australia, U.SA, Canada and the U.K for grains and malt we can simply note that GrainCorp is a global supplier. The business is good for them as their service delivery and expertise is sought by craft distiller sectors and global beer brewers. GrainCorp simply serves the whole world they customers being of diversified backgrounds and from different countries with different tastes and expectations of the grains and malt. Its therefore evident how GrainCorp has built a strong relationship with its customers [GrainCorp webpage]. Its not easy to satisfy a diversified culture with diversified products. Collaborators GrainCorp has several subsidiaries as listed below GrainCorp malt GrainCorp Holdings USA Norton organic Grain Limited Midley Australia Ridley Grain Limited Allied Mills Pty Limited Brewers Select Limited Grain Corp services Limited GrainCorp commodity management Heinrich Merchandise Pty Limited National grower Registry Pty Limited GrainCorp Oils Holding Limited Hunter Grain Pty Limited GrainCorp management Limited Grainco Australia Pty Limited GrainCorp Malt GrainCorp Malt is known for producing and supplying malt useful in the brewing, distillation, and with food industries in the United States, Asia, Canada, South America, and globally. Formerly known as United Malt Holdings it changed its name to GrainCorp Malt in the year 2009 in the Month of November after it was bought by GrainCorp Ltd, GrainCorp Malt was founded in 2006 and is based in Vancouver, Washington and is operating in Australia, the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Germany. As of November 13, 2009, GrainCorp Malt operates as a subsidiary of GrainCorp. Ltd. Graincorp Holdings USA GrainCorp Holdings U.SA was formed in 2009 and deals withholding and/ or owning securities of organizations but not banks. Grainco Australia Pty Limited Grainco Australia Pty Limited functions to store and distribute wheat and barley. The company was bought in 1995 and is based in Brisbane, Australia. As of October 8, 2003, Grainco Australia Pty Limited operates as a subsidiary of GrainCorp. Ltd. Allied Mills Pty Limited Allied Mills is known for distributing food ingredients products like flour, cereals, bran, frozen products, batters, culinary mixes and provision for product development, supply chain management, ingredient cleaning and media support services. Hunter Grain Pty Ltd Hunter Grain Pty Ltd. is known for distributing imported protein materials and provision of transportation and trading services. Hunter Grain also provides bulk imports for both grain and protein meal imports, exports and third country trade with bulk custom storage and the associated bulk handling services, including bagging, fumigation, palliating, grading, weigh bridging and container loading/unloading. Also, it offers logistics services. Hunter Grain Pty Ltd. was founded in 1975 and is based in Lane Cove, Australia. As of November 30, 2007, Hunter Grain Pty Ltd. operates as a subsidiary of GrainCorp (Venkatesh, 2008). Heinrich Merchandise Pty Ltd Heinrich Merchandise Pty Ltd. offers storage and handling of commodities, merchandising, and logistics services mainly to the grain industry. Heinrich Merchandise Pty Ltd. is found in Horsham, Australia. From January 16, 2007, Heinrich Merchandise Pty Ltd. is a subsidiary of GrainCorp. Ltd. The rest of the companies are just subsidiaries of GrainCorp Competition is vital for the growth of an industry. GrainCorp is an Australian Giant operating and handling sixty percent of the regions wheat canola and barley, chickpea, and sorghum crops. The close competitor; The Archer Daniels Midland Company is an American international food processing and commodities trading corporation with headquarters in Chicago, Illinois (Swilley,2014). GrainCorp Company being a worldwide producer makes it have other factors that affect its operations as it is situated in different countries altogether. The various factors that affect the company are political factors, technological factors, and much more factors. Political factors This then examines the current and likely influence from the available influence of the political scene. The governments of various countries in which GrainCorp Company operates can have a role in influencing its operations. The government has the powers to put fines to companies that do not meet their required standards. The government also has the power to affect the pricing of commodities in the particular country. This can either make it cheaper for the people or even more expensive (Jones,2017). Technological factors When it comes to the agribusiness industry, technology has a very big role to play in this. It is true to say that actually, the art of producing and distributing grains on its own is actually a low technology business. According to GrainCorp company technology has played an important role in its widespread activities. Technology has made the company to be able to introduce online buying and ordering across the world. This then makes it possible for the company to introduce new products like malt and oil (O'Keeffe, 2017). Information collected by the GrainCorp Company The company collects information from the feedback from the customers mostly. This shows what the customers want. It also shows the companys competitor as customers will name their immediate preferences. The other way in which the company obtains information is through conducting research on the sales in different parts of the world (Negi Anand, 2017). The company collects information from the feedback from the customers mostly. This shows what the customers want. It also shows the companys competitor as customers will name their immediate preferences. The other way in which the company obtains information is through conducting research on the sales in different parts of the world. Market strategy of the GrainCorp Company GrainCorp Company has intelligently kept itself in the worldwide grain market (Faisal,2016). Based on the fact that they operate in thirty different countries around the world means that they have to choose on whether to standardize their product for global advantages. The market strategies include:- Going global- this the company goes through the fact that it standardizes its products and ensures that integration of its many services. GrainCorp takes accountability for their decisions and actions and they own the consequences of their decisions and accept results. Constantly changing the product design- This is basically a move to target the youth. The new design makes it look like they produce a new thing daily and the youth really love such things. GrainCorp has the courage to embrace change. GrainCorp actively engages customers in decision-making and they keep their commitments. GrainCorp aims high, achieves results, celebrates success and they learn from their mistakes and do the necessary corrections The company has done a lot in terms of marketing and this has really helped it become popular in the market. The GrainCorp Company has plans of how to market as required by each and every Company. The company has a marketing plan that outlines the various ways in which the company does its marketing activities (Hannigan,2012). The plan is made to cover a period of one year. The plan has all the set of marketing activities of the organization. It covers the current position of the company and where it wants to be in future Conclusions The type of marketing strategy and the marketing plan that GrainCorp applies has made it be on the frontline in the production and supply of grains. With the world, there is constant advice on consumption of grains. As much as a lot of consumption of wheat is discouraged small amounts of consumption are good for your health, this is not the case with consumption of other grains. Customers love consumption of grains and since almost all grains are sweet and one would like to consume more and more units of the products of grains. This is however discouraged by nutritionists as it may lead to obesity. This may decrease the sales of the grains and would negatively impact the income of the company, it's, therefore, better if the company provides fat-free grains which are actually good for the customer's health Recommendations The GrainCorp Company should always and has always strived to produce their products of quality standards and according to the market demand. GrainCorp should always strive to produce fat-free grains that doctors and nutritionists do not discourage frequent consumption of the products. GrainCorp should also strive to pay the grain owners in time, pay them what the seeds are worth and make follow-ups for the growing of the grains to ensure the quality of the growth and development of the grains is met. References "ADM/GrainCorp: Australia's FDI rules in operation." International Financial Law Review (February 2014): 6. Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed September 28, 2017). 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Upper Echelons Theory and Market Orientation: TMT Characteristics as Antecedents to a Market Orientation.Revolution in Marketing: Market Driving Changes, 189-189. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-11761-4_92 Venkatesh, U 2008, 'The case for organized agri-retail--the Indian imperative', Journal of Services Research, 1, p. 91, Business Insights: Essentials, EBSCOhost, viewed 28 September 2017. Wo?, B, Gawlik, A 2015, 'The Development of Agri-tourism in Opole Province, Poland. From Inexpensive Holidays in the Countryside to Experiential Marketing', JETA: Journal Of Environmental Tourism Analyses, 3, 1, pp. 80-89, Hospitality Tourism Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 28 September 2017.

Monday, December 2, 2019

The Process of Information System in Coca

Introduction According to the Market Line; a Data monitor business, the global soft drinks industry consists of functional drinks, bottled water, concentrates, juices and RTD with tea and coffee included. Its market value increased by 4% to reach a value of $602.1 billion in 2011.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The Process of Information System in Coca-Cola specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This is may increase by 24.6% to $749.9 billion by 2016. Of the global market value of soft drinks, the USA accounts for 41.5% and is home to the Coca-Cola Company; the leading indusry player generating 36.4% of the market’s share volume. (Market Line p. 1-38) The scope of this paper is to evaluate the Company in terms of its business process, involvement of information systems in its process and waysn information systems could improve its process. The Coca-Cola Company It is an international beverage corporation found ed in American with headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia. It manufacturers, distributes and markets non-alcoholic beverage solvents. The company’s history dates back to the 1886 experiment-Coca cola- of John Pemberton in Columbus, Georgia. Today it produces over 500 brands in over 200 countries, offering over 1.7 billion sales per day. The company is currently listed on the NYSE. Business process The company’s products, bearing the Coca-Cola Company trademark, were sold in the United States since 1886 and currently are selling in over 200 countries. The company manufacturers solvents and syrups for beverages sells them to bottle can operators and partially to wholesalers and some retailers. Some finished products are directly sold mainly to local distributors. The company is a large shareholder in majority of the bottle and can operations. Its operating structure includes the following operating groups; North America, Latin America, Africa, East and south Asia, European U nion, North Asia, Eurasia and Middle East and the Pacific coast line. (Aswathappa 20) see chart in the appendix. The solvents used in production of purified water and beverages are sold to bottle and can operators that have the company’s flagship.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More These operators then combine the solvents and syrups with carbonated water to produce non-alcoholic drinks. The products are then packed in special containers that have the company’s trademark. The company’s brands include among others; Coca Cola, Minute Maid, Coca-Cola Zero, Sprite, Dasani Water, Diet Coke, Fanta, Powerade, Odwalla and Simply Orange. Involvement of information system It uses a Transaction Processing System (TPS) whereby the company’s activities are subdivided to individual indivisible transaction processes. These processes are; Manufacture of beverage s olvent and syrups Distribution of the concentrates to local and foreign bottlers Production of soft drinks through mixing of solvents with carbonated water by bottle and can operations Packaging of finished products Distribution to wholesalers and retailers As a multinational company, it uses high-speed computers networked via the internet for communication in international offices. This makes communication easy, fast and cheap enabling the company to make quick decisions. The company keeps a computerized database of its customers, suppliers and bottling canning operations. Over  ¾ of its annual marketing expenditure is IT-oriented to provide mobile connection to customers, social networking sites and loyalty programs. The Company launched â€Å"Coca-Cola Freestyle† in 2005, a new fountain dispenser that indicated a blueprint towards a technology-driven beverage industry that would be much different from the then industry. Previous fountains were very mechanical naturally . â€Å"Coca-Cola Freestyle† incorporates a computer in the fountain machine that calculates precisely the contents of over 100 beverage brands (Bovarnick par. 5). The company has implemented the ERP package in India where the payroll system, sales and distribution systems are already working in deports. How Information Systems could improve its process Using a computerized database helps create a paperless environment and cut costs that could otherwise go to storage of paper documents. This also helps to reduce the amount of time used to navigate through files for individual customer files thereby increasing efficiency.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The Process of Information System in Coca-Cola specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The use of the internet in communication will help the management make quick decisions since meetings could be held online through teleconferencing and cut travel costs. Intern et also offers vast advertising opportunities reaching out to even the most remote areas thereby increasing the customer base. Suggestion for improvement In 2010, SmartWater and PET Bottles were voluntarily destocked by Coca-Cola North America as these beverages failed to confine to FDA’ s standards for quality bottled water. Similarly, in 2009 Coca-Cola Israel destocked Coca-Cola and Diet Coke bottles as the drinks contained traces of poisonous elements. This was as a result of the failure of its co2 supplier (Datamonitor p. 7). With invention of a 3D printer, such errors that could tarnish the brand image could become obsolete since this machine has surgical precision with zero chance for error. This paper suggests that the company acquires this latest development. Summary The Coca-Cola Company; the world’s top-brand producer and distributor of non-alcoholic solvents and syrups for beverages is a company that employs various forms of information systems in its busine ss process, although further incorporation of the IS may further improve its process. Conclusion Based on the research undertaken by this paper, it surfaces that the Coca-Cola Company is a smooth-running corporation that has effectively employed Information Systems although some areas are still wanting. A few technological improvements could give the company an unmatched comparison. Appendix The map shows Coca-Cola Company operating segments (Operating Groups par. 1)Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Table showing per capita consumption (Coca-Cola Consumption Per Capita par. 2) Works Cited Aswathappa K, Sadhna Dash. International Human Resource Management: Text and Cases. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Pub, 2008. Print. 29 April 2013. Bovarnick, Ellen. â€Å"VP Corporate Business Excellence.† Interview with Rod Morgan. Web. Coca-Cola Company.Coca-Cola Consumption Per Capita. Coca-Cola, 13 October 2009. Web.. Coca-Cola Company. Operating Groups. Coca-Cola, 6 April 2012. Web. Datamonitor. The Coca-Cola Company. Special Report. New York, London, sydney: Datamonitor, 2011. Print. April 2013. Market Line. Global Soft Drinks. Special Report. London: MarketLine, February 2013. Print. April 2013. 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