Friday, May 31, 2019

Mangy Parrot Essay -- Analysis, Fernández de Lizardi

Parrots are beautiful intelligent birds. Mange is a festering disease caused by parasitic mites that dig into the body and results in unsightly sores and unremitting irritation. Who or what does The Mangy Parrot refer to? Is Mangy Parrot simply Periquillos nickname or is it intended to be a metaphor for New Spain? If the repeat is symbolic of the lands and people of New Spain the colonial caste system and government is the disease infesting the land. Unable to publish his views directly due to censorship, de Lizardi wrote his apparently humorous, entertaining tommyrot as a cover for his ideas. Throughout the story Fernndez de Lizardi cleverly interweaves his true objective which is to increase opposition to the colonial societal and governmental practices and encourage conduct for the coming revolution.Lizardi begins his tale with the story of binding babies hands. The old women bind infants hands simply because it had been done to them and therefore this made it the best po licy and the old ship canal should be followed even when there is no evidence to support them. (de Lizardi, p. 2) When Lizardi began his serialized novel the Spanish had been exercising colonial control for three hundred years. During that time the sense and both the American and French Revolutions had taken place. The rights of man philosophies that fostered those revolutions made many of the aspects of Spanish colonial rule outdated and corrupt. The author is informing the reader from the outset that he is done with the old ways and that they no longer deserve to be supported. As the novel progresses, de Lizardis use of satire grow until his characters come across such outlandish or unqualified statements that they cannot be taken for anything othe... ...bers and Indians to achieve parity in the system is to overthrow the system and demand equal intervention and opportunities. The use of humor and satire is only effective when the reader identifies with the kernel of t ruth at the core of the joke. The entertaining story of Periquillos misadventures was not on the button a funny story but also contained a bitter commentary on the state of colonial rule. Serialized publication in the native words allowed for the story to reach the masses and kept the issues in the public eye by spoon feeding weekly accounts that built up public sensation and increased discontent with the status quo. De Lizardis unapologetic fictionalized first person account of life in New Spain exposed the corruption, injustice, prejudice and inequities in parliamentary procedure caused by the colonial caste system and encouraged public support for a revolution.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Euthanasia: The Right to a Peaceful and Merciful Death Essay -- Medici

The impudence of mankind has dampened the hope that individuals can achieve a dignified death. Science says We must live, and seeks the means of prolonging, increasing, facilitating, and amplifying tone, of making it tolerable and acceptable, wisdom says We must die and seeks how to make us die well. - M. De Unamundsss. Whoosh. Hum. Beep. Slurp. A clock alerts her. era to cant over him over. The tired woman struggles to lift the six-foot, four-inch skeleton for the fifth time that day. Time to suction the massive bedsores fill with pustules. Slurp up the puss again. Ed, do you fate to try to eat today? No response. The eyes be vacant, and the expression is infantile. The tongue hangs from the mouth, and a cast of saliva drools onto the bed sheets. The woman inserts liquid provender into the feeding tube once again. Hsss. Whoosh. Hum. Beep. Slurp. Ed, its time to see if youve done your duty yet. The woman peers into his diaper and unhappily realizes that for the seventeenth d ay in a words he has not had a bowel movement. Insert the suppository into his rectum again. Hsss. Whoosh. Hum. Beep. Slurp. This woman, once a strong-willed professional and suitable mother and grandmother, has lost fifteen years of her life to the task of caring for someone who no longer recognizes her.Euthanasia is the process of mercifully ending a persons life, allowing that individual to escape terminal illness or an undignified death. The term has taken on many new meanings in this modern age of checkup technological advancement. Scientists have devised numerous inventions to help check the death of humans faced with medical tragedy. The question is just how long humans should undergo life-saving and life-prolonging treatments befor... ...ave this world. No matter how much we wish to believe they are immortal, we must realize that our bodies cannot sustain life infinitely. Works CitedBranegan, Jay. I Want to Draw the Line Myself. Time 17 Mar. 1997 30.Caplan, Arthur L. F uture Directions in Medical Ethics. Microsoft Encarta 4.0 (2000). Microsoft. CD-ROM.Goodman, Ellen. Who Lives? Who Dies? Who Decides? Rpt. in Current Issues & Enduring Questions. Ed. hoidenish Barnet and Hugo Bedau. Boston Bedford/St. Martins, 1999. 560-566.Huttman, Barbara. A Crime of Compassion. Rpt. in Current Issues & Enduring Questions. Ed. Sylvan Barnet and Hugo Bedau. Boston Bedford/St. Martins, 1999. 555-557.Marker, Rita L. Kids and Euthanasia. Human Life Review 26 (2000) 30-36.Schaeffer, Pamela. Rigali Intervenes Feeding Tube Must Stay. National Catholic Reporter 37 (2000) 5-7. Euthanasia The Right to a Peaceful and Merciful Death Essay -- MediciThe arrogance of mankind has dampened the hope that individuals can achieve a dignified death. Science says We must live, and seeks the means of prolonging, increasing, facilitating, and amplifying life, of making it tolerable and acceptable, wisdom says We must die and seeks how to make us die well. - M. De Unamund sss. Whoosh. Hum. Beep. Slurp. A clock alerts her. Time to flip him over. The tired woman struggles to lift the six-foot, four-inch skeleton for the fifth time that day. Time to suction the massive bedsores filled with pustules. Slurp up the puss again. Ed, do you want to try to eat today? No response. The eyes are vacant, and the expression is infantile. The tongue hangs from the mouth, and a string of saliva drools onto the bed sheets. The woman inserts liquid food into the feeding tube once again. Hsss. Whoosh. Hum. Beep. Slurp. Ed, its time to see if youve done your duty yet. The woman peers into his diaper and sadly realizes that for the seventeenth day in a row he has not had a bowel movement. Insert the suppository into his rectum again. Hsss. Whoosh. Hum. Beep. Slurp. This woman, once a strong-willed professional and competent mother and grandmother, has lost fifteen years of her life to the task of caring for someone who no longer recognizes her.Euthanasia is the process of mercifully ending a persons life, allowing that individual to escape terminal illness or an undignified death. The term has taken on many new meanings in this modern age of medical technological advancement. Scientists have devised numerous inventions to help prevent the death of humans faced with medical tragedy. The question is just how long humans should undergo life-saving and life-prolonging treatments befor... ...ave this world. No matter how much we wish to believe they are immortal, we must realize that our bodies cannot sustain life infinitely. Works CitedBranegan, Jay. I Want to Draw the Line Myself. Time 17 Mar. 1997 30.Caplan, Arthur L. Future Directions in Medical Ethics. Microsoft Encarta 4.0 (2000). Microsoft. CD-ROM.Goodman, Ellen. Who Lives? Who Dies? Who Decides? Rpt. in Current Issues & Enduring Questions. Ed. Sylvan Barnet and Hugo Bedau. Boston Bedford/St. Martins, 1999. 560-566.Huttman, Barbara. A Crime of Compassion. Rpt. in Current Issues & Enduring Questi ons. Ed. Sylvan Barnet and Hugo Bedau. Boston Bedford/St. Martins, 1999. 555-557.Marker, Rita L. Kids and Euthanasia. Human Life Review 26 (2000) 30-36.Schaeffer, Pamela. Rigali Intervenes Feeding Tube Must Stay. National Catholic Reporter 37 (2000) 5-7.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Acceleration Within the School System Essay -- essays research papers

Papers on the topic, acceleration within in the school system, have had twain very distinct arguments. There are those who believe that accelerating students, enhances their psychological welfare and academic achievements. On the other hand there are those who raise concerns as to whether, accelerating students does negatively affect them in some dimension. The aim of this paper is to give an overview of acceleration in relation to the genteelnessal setting, and to discuss the seismic disturbance (both negative and positive) that acceleration has on the lives of students. I will discuss how and why students are identified as gifted and or talented, and what consequences arise from this label, if any. The essay will then issue to offer types of programs available for gifted and or talented students in schools. This paper will focus on the various impacts acceleration has on students. Some password will be rendered as to the effect on the parents of accelerated students. My con clusions will be derived from the various arguments and research that will be presented throughout the essay.From the introduction we are led to the question, of what actually is acceleration? Davis and Rimm (1994) state that any strategy that results in advanced placement or credit may be titled as acceleration(p. 106). Acceleration is the act of advancing students into grades higher than their year of enrolment allows. The Board of Studies guidelines for accelerated progression (1991), define acceleration as involving, the promotion of a student to a level of study beyond that which is usual for his/her age (p.3). Rice (1970) has also defined it as a rapid acquisition of cognition and skills (p. 178). These definitions of acceleration, especially the one offered by the Board of Studies, closely align Harrison (1995) who describes a gifted child asOne who performs or who has the ability to perform at a level significantly beyond his or her chronologically aged peers and whose uniqu e abilities and characteristics require special provisions and social and emotional support from the family, conjunction and educational context (p. 19).This definition takes into account the socio-emotional support that gifted children require when identified as gifted or talented. Harrison (1995) further recognises that this support does not postdate solely from the parents or the school but the community as ... ... & Davis, G.A. (Ed.), Handbook of Gifted Education (2nd ed.). (pp. 27-42). Massachusetts Allyn & Bacon.Thomas, T.A. (1993). The achievement and social adjustment of accelerated studentsThe impact of the Academic Talent Search after seven years. California California State University. (ERIC document ED 368146).VanTassel-Baska, J. (1986). Acceleration. In C. June Maker. (Ed.). Critical issuesin gifted education Defensible programs for the gifted. (pp. 179-195). TexasPRO-ED.VanTassel-Baska, J. (1997). What matters in curriculum for gifted learners Reflectionson theory, research and practice. In Colangelo, N. & Davis, G.A. (Ed.), Handbook of Gifted Education (2nd ed.). (pp. 126-135). Massachusetts Allyn & Bacon.

Do You Have What It Takes? A Breakdown Of The Educated Person Essay

Do You Have What it Takes? A Breakdown of the Educated PersonAn educated somebody is a well move person. To be educated is toknowledgeable in numerous areas. Diversity is essential in the sense that manydifferent things inspire thought, which then derive changeless conclusions fromthese experiences. Anyone who has the audacity to call themselves educatedneeds to have a firm grasp of many different areas. These categories spanthrough Science, Technology, Language, Art, Feelings and Values. All of theseare edifice blocks that help make up an educated person, but just as important,these are the same qualities that form an individual.     One of the most important concepts that a person learns from Science isa fundamental thinking process. This process starts with curiosity, asking thequestion," Why does that work?" It then moves on to theorizing or guessing.Next, this person takes his or her theory and puts it to the essay by conductingvarious experimen ts. Finally this individual will draw a final conclusion fromthose findings. Science also helps a person look at things objectively, whichmeans there is no feelings influencing experiments that can lead to fraudulentconclusions. This can be a double edged sword however, because in manyinstances when a scientist is emotionally removed from the experiments performed,the question, "Should I?", is never asked. For instance under the reign ofHitler many cruel medical experiments were preformed. In The MedicalExperiments by William Shirer the author states,"Prisoners were situated in highpressure chambers and subjected to high-altitude tests until they ceasedbreathing. They were injected with lethal doses of typhus and jaundice. Theywere subjected to freezing experiments in icy water or exposed naked in thesnow alfresco until they froze to death." This also deals with the subject of set and will be discussed detail later.     Probably the most positiv e way to utilize Science would be to take it tothe following(a) level, Technology. This is were an educated person takes what laws andtheories he learns in science and integrates them into everyday life, findingways to make life easier and arguably better. I say arguably because manyeducated people are against technological advancement. These... ...m any language. Susanne K. Langer inher article The Cultural Importance of Art states,"There is, however, animportant part of reality that is sort of inaccessible to the formative influenceof language that is the realm of so-called "inner experience," the life offeeling and emotion.     All of these attributes lose power with knocked out(p) an individual set of valuesto focus this energy. Adolf Hitler influenced millions by being a masterfulorator. Hitler also was very innovative in science and many other areas.However do to his grossly warped sense of personal values he was labelled byleaders and peers as a madman.     It is very difficult for any person to be a master of all of thesecategories, but to be truly educated, there needs to be at least a smallconcentration of everything in that individuals background. For the one reasonthat it is so difficult to posses all of these traits, it is also that samereason that makes all of the truly educated people of our past stand out inhistory as heros and leaders. This is also the biggest reason that so manypeople admire them and strive to be like them.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Angelic Overview :: social issues

Angelic OverviewANGELIC OVERVIEW Angels are spirits, proclaimed St. Augustine St. Thomas Aquinas believed that angels were pure spirit, having no matter or mass, and taking up no space but Thomas believed angels could assume bodies at will. The purpose of angels is the same as mankind to love and serve the Lord. However, organism that angels are not material beings, and possibly from a different dimension, they can serve the Lord in many different ways. Angels have far great will and intellect than we have. Whereas mankind must sift through and experiment with natural laws, angels can grasp all natural laws with a single thought. ultimately we find that angels cannot work miracles per se, but they can perform many special effects that appear miraculous, such as protecting Daniel from the lions in Daniel 6. When angels appear to man, they usually appear with wings, but the wings are not the method of loco- motion. The angels seem to slip in and out of the fourth dimension thus trav el is to a greater extent or less(prenominal) instantaneous. If you have access to a Catholic Bible (it MUST be Catholic), check out Daniel ch. 14, to read how the prophet Habakkuk was instantly carried, via angel, from Judea to Babylon, a distance of 600 miles. The primary general duty of angels is as messengers of God. (The word angel means messenger in Greek.) But angels can do Gods chores, such as busting Peter out of jail in Acts 5, or destroying Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 19. But some angels obey only the devil, and those angels are known as demons, as is Satan himself. Satan had been an angel, but decided to do his own thing. Angels can see all aspects of a situation instantly, since they are so very wise. Angels, and the dimensions they perish in, were apparently created before our visible world and universe. (The Bible tells us in Genesis ch.1-2 that mankind was created (or evolved) last.) The number of angels are countless. One tenability they are count- less is that the Bible holds that each person who is or has lived, in the universe, has a guardian angel (Matthew 1810). Additionally, some people who have died may have been change into lower angels. Many people witness small miracles, and attribute them to God, when, in fact, angels may likely author the event. Speaking of miracles, some people believe that the reason more asteroids dont hit and damage planets is because each planet also has a guardian

Angelic Overview :: social issues

Angelic OverviewANGELIC OVERVIEW Angels are spirits, proclaimed St. Augustine St. Thomas Aquinas believed that angels were pure spirit, having no matter or mass, and taking up no space but Thomas believed angels could assume bodies at will. The purpose of angels is the same as mankind to love and serve the Lord. However, creation that angels are not material beings, and possibly from a different dimension, they can serve the Lord in many different ways. Angels have far greater will and intellect than we have. Whereas mankind must sift through and experiment with natural laws, angels can grasp all natural laws with a single thought. ultimately we find that angels cannot work miracles per se, but they can perform many special effects that appear miraculous, such as protecting Daniel from the lions in Daniel 6. When angels appear to man, they ordinarily appear with wings, but the wings are not the method of loco- motion. The angels seem to slip in and out of the fourth dimension thus travel is more or little instantaneous. If you have access to a Catholic Bible (it MUST be Catholic), check out Daniel ch. 14, to read how the prophet Habakkuk was instantly carried, via angel, from Judea to Babylon, a distance of 600 miles. The primary general duty of angels is as messengers of God. (The word angel means messenger in Greek.) But angels can do Gods chores, such as busting Peter out of jail in Acts 5, or destroying Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 19. But some angels obey only the devil, and those angels are known as demons, as is Satan himself. Satan had been an angel, but decided to do his own thing. Angels can see all aspects of a situation instantly, since they are so very wise. Angels, and the dimensions they bed in, were apparently created before our visible world and universe. (The Bible tells us in Genesis ch.1-2 that mankind was created (or evolved) last.) The number of angels are countless. One motive they are count- less is that the Bible holds that each person who is or has lived, in the universe, has a guardian angel (Matthew 1810). Additionally, some people who have died may have been change into lower angels. Many people witness small miracles, and attribute them to God, when, in fact, angels may likely author the event. Speaking of miracles, some people believe that the reason more asteroids dont hit and damage planets is because each planet also has a guardian