Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Do You Have What It Takes? A Breakdown Of The Educated Person Essay

Do You Have What it Takes? A Breakdown of the Educated PersonAn educated somebody is a well move person. To be educated is toknowledgeable in numerous areas. Diversity is essential in the sense that manydifferent things inspire thought, which then derive changeless conclusions fromthese experiences. Anyone who has the audacity to call themselves educatedneeds to have a firm grasp of many different areas. These categories spanthrough Science, Technology, Language, Art, Feelings and Values. All of theseare edifice blocks that help make up an educated person, but just as important,these are the same qualities that form an individual.     One of the most important concepts that a person learns from Science isa fundamental thinking process. This process starts with curiosity, asking thequestion," Why does that work?" It then moves on to theorizing or guessing.Next, this person takes his or her theory and puts it to the essay by conductingvarious experimen ts. Finally this individual will draw a final conclusion fromthose findings. Science also helps a person look at things objectively, whichmeans there is no feelings influencing experiments that can lead to fraudulentconclusions. This can be a double edged sword however, because in manyinstances when a scientist is emotionally removed from the experiments performed,the question, "Should I?", is never asked. For instance under the reign ofHitler many cruel medical experiments were preformed. In The MedicalExperiments by William Shirer the author states,"Prisoners were situated in highpressure chambers and subjected to high-altitude tests until they ceasedbreathing. They were injected with lethal doses of typhus and jaundice. Theywere subjected to freezing experiments in icy water or exposed naked in thesnow alfresco until they froze to death." This also deals with the subject of set and will be discussed detail later.     Probably the most positiv e way to utilize Science would be to take it tothe following(a) level, Technology. This is were an educated person takes what laws andtheories he learns in science and integrates them into everyday life, findingways to make life easier and arguably better. I say arguably because manyeducated people are against technological advancement. These... ...m any language. Susanne K. Langer inher article The Cultural Importance of Art states,"There is, however, animportant part of reality that is sort of inaccessible to the formative influenceof language that is the realm of so-called "inner experience," the life offeeling and emotion.     All of these attributes lose power with knocked out(p) an individual set of valuesto focus this energy. Adolf Hitler influenced millions by being a masterfulorator. Hitler also was very innovative in science and many other areas.However do to his grossly warped sense of personal values he was labelled byleaders and peers as a madman.     It is very difficult for any person to be a master of all of thesecategories, but to be truly educated, there needs to be at least a smallconcentration of everything in that individuals background. For the one reasonthat it is so difficult to posses all of these traits, it is also that samereason that makes all of the truly educated people of our past stand out inhistory as heros and leaders. This is also the biggest reason that so manypeople admire them and strive to be like them.

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