Wednesday, July 17, 2019

American Women and Community

Prior to Aug. 26, 1920 wowork force in the United States could non participate in the democratic process. Following the Civil War, American women wanted to have more input into the decisions that would impact their lives. In order for women to move in suffrage groups across the country had to match together and create a interconnected effort for change. The Seneca Falls Convention of 1848, the eldest formal conference for womans suffrage, challenged America to a revolution that would jut out for more than seven decades before women in truth were granted the right to take.Convened by Elizabeth Stanton and Lucretia Mott, the conventions plan was to empower women and invoke change by suffrage for women. Since the Civil War women had begun to obtain the need to represent themselves and be adequate to participate in the decision do process which would affect their daily lives. The throttle valve for this gathering was the World Anti-Slavery Convention held in 1840 in London and attended by an American delegation which included a number of women. In attendance were Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, who were force to sit in ther galleries as observers because they were women.This distressing treatment did not rest intumesce with these women of progressive thoughts, and it was decided that they would hold their have got convention to discuss social, civil and unearthly rights of women, (, 2008, 3). The community of women who gathered in 1848 go about their source challenge in 1869 when the fifteenth amendment, which extended the right to vote to Afro-American men, was introduced and passed. During the civil war, womens suffrage was eclipsed by the war effort and movement for the abolition of slavery. While annual conventions were held on a regular basis, there was much word of honor but little action.Activists such as slave-born Sojourner Truth, Elizabeth Stanton and Susan B Anthony lectured and petiti peerlessd the government for the emancipation of slaves with the depression that, once the war was over, women and slaves alike would be granted the same rights as exsanguine men. At the end of the war, however, the government maxim the suffrage of women and that of the Negro as dickens separate issues and it was decided that the Negro vote could produce the immediate political gain, oddly in the South, that the womens vote could not, (, 2008, 6). some women felt that they should support the 15th amendment as a victory which would bring women one step closer to voting. This faction of womens suffrage supporters believed that after black men gained the right to vote there would be no barriers preventing women from gaining that right as well. provided another faction felt that they could not endorse the amendment until they had been granted the right themselves. cardinal groups emerged, the study Woman Suffrage familiarity and Womans Suffrage Association. two groups worked toward suffrage as well as secur ing property rights for married women and other institutional changes.Following the Civil War, womens study groups flourished. These groups gave women approach to education and an intellectual forum. By the premature twentieth century communication was also more effective and women across the nation had more experiences and were generally better brisk to organize themselves, (Bauer, 1999). However, this was also a smooth quantify for the suffrage movement. It was not until 1914 when a younger generation of women began to hold course presentations, parades and other activism stunts to gain attention. In 1915 the National Womans Party create and began to campaign against the party in power, (Bauer).At this time women were being arrested for their action and in detain some were mistreated. The mistreatment of women gained much attention creating globe sympathy for the suffragists. Although World War I slowed the progression of suffrage by 1919 women the nineteenth amendment w as officially passed. By Aug. 26, 1920 then hot seat Woodrow Wilson ratified the amendment allowing women to enter the polls for the first time in the United States. References (2008). The explanation of Womens Suffrage. History . Retrieved from www. history. com Bauer, H. (1999). The Priviledge for Which We Struggled. manganese Minnesota Historical Society Press.

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