Friday, August 23, 2019

Social policy and play Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Social policy and play - Essay Example There are some games universally played by children. Hide and seek which develops inquisitive nature and curiosity in the minds of the children and Police-thief games which is about battle between good and evil are popular among children in different forms of the game. ‘Play’ goes a long way in cultivating good habits, manners and behaviors in a person. Perspectives of Childhood The perspective of childhood is viewed from futuristic angle, ignoring the conditions, needs and changes required from the current perspective. Lesser and Russell stated â€Å"There has been a rapid growth in policy initiatives relating to children and young people and this has been dominated by a perspective which sees children primarily in terms of their and the nation’s future and not in terms of their present lives.† Childhood should not be viewed merely as a ground for preparing them for adulthood. The society tries to intervene in the process with the understanding that the fr amework is set with reference to learning, good habits, behaviors and manners in socializing. Health consciousness is also considered in this framework. However, we need to treat that opportunity to play is ‘childhood right’ though there are the attendant benefits and adult hood is related to childhood. According to Lee (2) â€Å"Whatever differences there may be between adults and children, contemporary sociologies of childhood urge that children be treated equally, at least in terms of recognizing that children have views and perspectives of their own.† The aspect of empowerment to the children is another important perspective. According to Alexander (10) empowerment, â€Å"is what bridges children’s wellbeing, children’s primary education and children’s rights. Empowerment - underpinned, as our child witnesses insist, by equity, empathy and expertise - is an educational cause well worth fighting for.† Social Policy Relating to Child hood â€Å"Alcock (2003) proposes a definition of social policy which suggests that it comprises both academic discipline and also a form of social action.† (Shardlow (14) Children believe they have the talents and courage to become kings. This belief which remains unspoiled till adulthood made many college drop-out students to establish great business empires in history. On the other hand, the seeds of evil take deep roots in their minds due to child abuse or discrimination manifest as cheating, fraud and terrorism in later years.   Study by Henn et al (1160) â€Å"revealed profound differences in the likelihood of criminal convictions or incarcerations between socialized and under socialized delinquents. The socialized delinquents have less chance of being either convicted of a crime or being imprisoned.† Shaping up at 5 is easier than reshaping up at 50. According to Hallett and Prout (83) children have been accorded a central role, both in creation of modern soci ety and the autonomous individual and observed that the contemporary thinking and activities of the associations in child welfare confirm this trend. Play is an important part of children and youngsters. Sutton-Smith views ‘

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