Monday, September 30, 2019

Intrusion and Prevention Essay

1.0Abstract The wide spread proliferation of Internet Technology has led to the incorporation of Computer in each and every field of life. From education to Business, Information Technology has now become an indispensable element in our life. Computers have reached homes, offices, schools and even churches . The wide spread use of computers is accompanied by an exponential growth in e-crimes ,in which unscrupulous elements try to gain access to other’s computers to steal valuable information like credit card   numbers , personal identification codes etc. Owing to this the development and deployment of sophisticated Intrusion detection systems that can detect and thwart such malicious attempts becomes highly important.   2.0 Intrusion Detection Systems(IDS) In order to safeguard a computer from being intruded by malicious code, System/Network Administrators deploy Intrusion Detection Systems .These systems are nothing but software applications that monitor the inbound Internet packets for malicious or susceptible activity and alert the Administrator whenever such an activity is detected. They often respond to such intrusions by either blocking the source computer from accessing the hosted computer or by restricting the actions of source computer on destination. There are many types of IDS software available in the market and they differ in the way they detect the suspicious activity. Examples of IDS include Shadows, Snort, Dragon, RealSecure and NetProwler. 3.0 Snort IDS There are many products available in the market for intrusion detection, out of these Snort gains a unique market proposition because of its free download availability and it’s at par performance in its field with any other commercial product. Snort is an Open source IDS Software which was originally designed for UNIX platform, but now is available for Windows based systems also. It provides basic network monitoring purpose and also can also be configured for rule based IDS functionality. 4.0 Functionalities of Snort   Snort can be installed very easily on any Windows or UNIX based system with the help of its friendly graphical user friendly interface. It is a Network bases Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) that can be used in two modes, â€Å"sniffer† and logger mode. In basic sniffer mode it just reports what is happening on the system console, while in the logger mode, it can log the network traffic details in the log file directory. Both sniffer and logger modes are passive and just give system administrator an information about the network traffic without actually taking any action to prevent the intrusion. However it can be used in IDS mode to be able to act upon certain rules, pre-defined by system administrator to prevent intrusion. Snort is open sourced and comes with a well-developed API that can be used to add new functionalities to the IDS. The only pit-fall of Snort IDS is that, it does not have Customer support and a user has to rely on self-help books and internet forums for any troubleshooting and problems. However its download comes with a very elaborate documentation. Also some of the functionalities that are their in its UNIX version might be missing in its Windows version. 5.0 Evaluation: Snort is the most widely used IDS software with more than 225,000 registered users. It provides user with features like signature detection, protocol inspection and anomaly based detection. Its open source nature makes it the most favored IDS system by developers .They are constantly in pursuit to add new and sophisticated functionality to existing systems. There is lot of literature available about Snort due to its wide reach and influence on user community. It can be used to detect all kind of intrusions ranging from buffer overflows, CGI attacks, SMB probes, OS fingerprinting attempts to stealth port scans. From its initially light weight edition that was used only to log the intrusion attempts to the current sophisticated and fully developed IDS edition, Snort has truly come a long way to provide user with an inexpensive, sophisticated and cutting edge technology that could secure their systems from malicious attacks from unscrupulous elements.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Family Approach Research Paper Essay

Abstract This research paper will in detail find influences donating to the degeneration of African American marriages, increase of African American divorces, and how structural family therapy can impact it. Structural Family Therapy was developed by Salvador Minuchin and his associates in the 1960s due to the growing curiosity in alternative ways of hypothesizing suffering and familial dilemmas. Structural family therapy is reinforced by an undoubtedly expressed model of family functioning, and has been developed and used reliably in counseling sessions for children and their families (Ginginch & Worthington, 2007, 343). Also, this report will examine what can be done to change this disturbing status amongst African American families. Monetary, emotional, and cognitive stability are a few of the common reasons and profits of marriage. Studies have discovered that marital couples in contrast to unattached couples are better-off, healthier, less stressed, and tend to live well into their mid-80s (Pindgerhughes, 2002, p. 269). Thus, there are numerous welfares of being married; it could be assumed that matrimony would be a shared objective for most citizens regardless of race. However, studies have publicized a radical deterioration of marriages inside the African American families alongside an increase in separations. African Americans are the least expected to wed, when they wed, they complete this task later in life, spending a smaller amount of time wedded than White Americans, and are more likely to become divorced. Keywords: African American, Marriages, Structural Family Therapy, Minuchin Family Approach Research Paper African American Marriages There is a strong importance for research of the state of African American and marriage because there have been major changes from past African Americans’ marriages relating to this major decline. According to the National Center on African American Marriage and Parenting’s (NCAAMP) Marriage Index, in 1970, 70.3% of African Americans were wedded and those ratios steadily fallen about 61% in 1982, 51.2% in 1992, 38.9% in 2003, and  41.7% in 2010. The rate is declining so noticeably that marriage has been referred to as an â€Å"alternative life† for African Americans (Dixon, 2009). The NCAAMP’s marriage index exposed the proportions of wedded Americans which comprises 77.8% in 1970, 70.1% in 1980, 59.3% in 1990, 62% in 2000, and 59.7% in 2008. An assumption can be drawn from the above Marriage index reports that there is certainly an important variance between all married Americans and married African Americans along with a change in rates of matrimony fr om 1980 to modern periods. Additionally, the declining rates of marriage, African Americans seem to be at greater hazard for matrimonial instability (Dixon, 2009, p. 30). Many of these influences are related to high male imprisonment, low sew ratio, poverty, uncertainty toward marriage and premarital sex. Rendering to research, there are numerous dynamics affecting the decline in marriages and rise of divorces among African Americans. These influences can be characterized as organizational, ethnic, individual, and interactive. Organizational issues as economic and demographic are most commonly focused on during the course of history. The extreme sex ratios between African American males and females have emotional impact on the African American nuptial rates (Rowe, 2007, p. 19). In 2003 there were an estimated 1.8 million more African American females in the population than males (U.S. Census, 2005 & Pinderhuges, 2002, 269). Another donating feature is the high confinement and mortality rate of African American males (Hill, 2006, p. 421). African American males make up about seven percent of the populace but over fifty-one percent of the prison population (DuCille, 2009, p. 605). Furthermore, the desire to marry women of different races and choosing homosexual lifestyles contribute to the African American marriage rates. Another major issue that makes African American males less desirable for marriage is their struggles of the workforce. The joblessness rate among African American males has been consistently twice that of White American men from the time of the 1930s (Holland, 2009, p. 113). Research has also discovered that companies show negative opinions of African American men comprising that they are indolent, unreliable, deceitful, contain little work ethic, drag their feet, have deprived verbal skill and many others characteristics. Consequently, these men do not have the capability to deliver for their families also make African American men postpone marriage and also become regarded as less  wanted to espouse by the female population. The second sort of factor studied is ethnical. There has been shifting cultural trends disturbing African American marriage. The sexual revolt, gay and lesbian efforts, and activist movement are activities that distress wedding rates. Forty years ago, sex without marriage was not acceptable, but now it is a communal standard of culture. The feminist movement allowed women to obtain advanced positions in the labor force declining their dependence on males, triggering them not to marry or endure unhappy marriages. And, unconventional lifestyles were presented through the gay and lesbian population (LaTaillade, 2006, p. 327). Moreover, living together (cohabitation) is a cumulative behavior particularly within the African American community. Historically, living with a partner before marriage was unacceptable, but is now widespread among African Americans and many other races. In contemporary times, individuals are determining on gaining independence before becoming married (Dixon, 2009, p. 31). The mass media industries and the way relationships are depicted on television and through music contribute to the marriage decline. Because of the support of extended family networks, divorce may seem less detrimental, making it more of an option when marriages are faced with challenges among African Americans (Hill, 2006, p. 439). Individual factors are tided in by considering individuals’ desire to marry, features they look for in spouses and what makes them commit to a relationship. For an individual to get marry the desire to be married has to be present. One study found that when compared to White American men, African American men, anticipate less improvement from marriage in their sex lives and personal friendships and these account for most of the difference in the desire to marry (Holland, 2009, 107). The mate desired characteristics and expectation of marriage and whether it is realistic plays a major role in marriage. Similar to other cultures, African Americans generally believe in the husband being superior economically, educationally and acts as the provider of the family. Unfortunately for African American women, when compared to African American men, they are more likely to attend college and to marry someone below their educational and professional status. This pattern of education continues as two-thirds of African American college graduates are women (Hill, 2006, p. 423). The desire to commit is another donating factor in related to marriage. Recent studies  have revealed the beliefs of African American males having the incapacity to pledge to an eternal relationship. Lastly, as stated above separation rates are greater amongst African Americans than another culture. The features cited directly above are funding to these separation rates as well as African American not having the means to allow them to uphold vigorous long-lasting relationships. Studies have also displayed that the African American population is less expected to pursue marriage therapy adding to the state of African American divorce rate currently. Structural Family Therapy Structural family therapy (SFT) is a counseling technique of therapy developed by Salvador Minuchin which addresses problems in functioning inside a family. Structural Family Therapists attempt to pass in, or â€Å"connect†, the family in therapy in order to understand the boundaries and rules which oversees its effectiveness, record the associations between family members or amongst subsystems of the family, and eventually interrupt dysfunctional relations within the household, triggering it to become stable into healthier arrangements. Minuchin states that dysfunction does not rest in the singular identification, but within the entire family system. Minuchin’s tactic is originated on the interrelationship of the entire, and the foundation that individuals cannot be detached from the whole. Therefore, Minuchin assumed that a change in the conduct of one household member will necessitate a consistent transformation in the behavior of other family member. Duplicate roles can affect the ability for a mother to parenting effectively. For example, a mother attempting to a both a parent and a friend or a father that was forced to raise his younger siblings (Rowe, 2007, p, 23). Structural therapists view the facilitation of structural variations in the dysfunctional family as the main objective, supposing that individual behavioral modifications as well as lessening of altercations will follow as the framework for the family’s communication changes (Goldenberg & Goldenberg, 2013, p. 329). The structural family model expresses families as systems and subsystems, roles and rules (flexible and adaptable to changes), boundaries, power, and hierarchy. Minuchin defines a functional family as one unit with clear boundaries between individuals and subsystems, promotes growth, and prevents  interruption. The primary objective when utilizing Minuchin’s model is assisting the family to change its structure or its organization. For instance, he stated that establishing a structure in which members and subsystems are clearly differentiated from one another and hierarchically integrated. Minuchin and other structuralists perceive standard family life as always altering and as a result endlessly creating adjustments to altering circumstances. What distinguishes functional from dysfunctional families is the flexibility in functional families to change or modify its structure to adjust to changing life cycle stages or to adjust to role changes or situational crises. The clarity of boundaries between subsystems within the family, and an effectively functioning spousal subsystem, help ensure stability despite changing conditions (Goldenberg & Goldenberg, 2013, p. 472). Due to a recent mounting body of empirical evidence, studies continue to verify the value of structural family therapy. This method it was widely evaluated during the 1980s by radical novelists and during the 1990s by those interested in the allegations of a social constructionist point of view. Structural family therapy continues to progress in response to experiments built from within the systemic field, and as part of integrative practice and multisystem approaches, with practitioners ever mindful of the need for regular feedback from family members themselves (Rowe, 2007, p. 21). By 1965, Minuchin had become director of the Philadelphia Child Guidance Clinic, originally in the heart of the African American ghetto, where he focused on intervention techniques with low- income families (Goldenberg & Goldenberg, 2013, p. 130). The structural approach to therapy has been critiqued and has withstand various experiments from disbelievers; nevertheless, it has withstood throughout the years. Personal Integration The trial of integrating Christian and non-Christian clients fluctuates between different counselors. When clients unambiguously expressed a want for Christian counseling, for example, if a client initiates a prayer within a counseling session. The Bible frequently assists clients to absorb; the implementation of scriptures can inspire progression within the session. Between sessions homework examining particular biblical themes likewise inspire development. For instance, our Worthington text states that the use  of interventions make change sensible, and thus increases hope. Such interventions can involve physical manipulations, behavioral actions or interactions or making physical products (such as reports, written lists or tapes) that are completed and verbally processed. Worthington (2005) also stated that any theory of marital counseling can be used along with the counselor’s favorite techniques. The requirements of integration are increased hope and willpower, fit within the strategic framework, and make change sensible to clients (p. 262). I believe that the frequency of use of scriptures should be guided by the consumer’s articulated openness. Although traditionally I am trained as a counselor not to reference spirituality or religion unless it is first stated by the client, I believe that many consumers who are not currently attending church would be reassured when I fling open that door. After which they can be provided the opportunity to walk through the door, lock it, or leave it partly open to be entered once ready. If my clients were to inquire for details on my beliefs, I would openly speak about my spiritual journey but also specify that I still have a ways to go. Conversely, this does not take the practice of preaching on my individual Christian principles, or persisting them to trust what I have faith in. In addition, I could look for openings to propose the matter of religiousness and faith in an overall sense as a portion of my holistic approach; I would like to reassure my clienteles to discover the notion that stability in emotional and mental remedies are not exclusively associated with the rectifying of a particular issue; rather, comprehensiveness in therapeutic healing must integrate the multiple magnitudes of the client. With this instruction and initial outline, it would be up to my client to make the decision to discover how their faith and current behavior are correlated to the complications that have been facing and how their spiritual philosophies influence their mental and physical healing. Studies proposes, that it is highly probable that counselors greatly misjudge â€Å"the sum of consumers that are experiencing faith-based problems due to† consumers â€Å"frequently misguided norms that religious concerns were not suitable for conversation† in conditions that were not plainly defined as Christian therapeutic settings (Worthington Jr, 2005, p. 262). Spiritual Genograms In this course, I began to understand how past generational beliefs can still impact my current viewpoint with assumptions and predisposition. As a result, I believe that it would be important for my clients to understand their spiritual journey on both a personal and generational level. During this course, we complete a genogram in order to observe certain behavioral and health patterns; however, I would like to integrate spiritual â€Å"family trees† into my counseling sessions. Spiritual histories, spiritual lifemaps, spiritual genograms, spiritual ecomaps, and spiritual ecograms are five harmonizing assessment approaches that have recently been developed to highlight different aspects of clients’ spiritual lives. Spirituality can be agreed as the client’s connection with (their) God, and religious beliefs can been understood as flowing from spirituality, the open expression of the spiritual bond in specific views, approaches, and principles that have been est ablished in a community with other individuals who hold similar experiences of transcendence (Hodges, 2005). Consequently, spirituality and religion are similar yet present differences. Therapists must understand that a single assessment approach is not ideal for all consumers and circumstances. The assessment tools examined in this article was purposefully designed to highlight different aspects of clients’ spiritual worldview. In a counseling session, these assessment methods can become a useful resource to providers that require assistance with clients handling with challenging issues. These interventions can be used as coping strategies since the user can visibly see their peer support networks on paper. Spiritual assessments are beneficial for clients that have misplaced their connection with God; spiritual ecograms permits the user to see where their spiritual journey is currently and where it used to be. For example, it may benefit clients with major depressive symptoms to recognize support organizations such as professional group memberships, church, and household. An alternative intervention to complete this task would be spiritual ecomaps. Counselors geared with this assessment, can assist their clients survey their previous and existing domestic and faith-based support systems. Subsequently, some assessment approaches will be implemented more effectively in some situations but preferably these assessments are seamless for clients that have gone astray. Various assessments can be used to meet the needs of the client; however, certain assessments may be more operative  with some clients than others. Consequently, the therapist must primarily evaluate the clients’ needs and what they wish to gain from counseling. This will support the therapist in selecting a suitable spiritual intervention approach. If I am offered a client that desires to change to a diverse faith but it religiously disorganized, I would implement spiritual genograms. This intervention would aid counselors to view if the clients’ preceding descendants all practiced the same religion. Accordingly, I could determine that the client has an admiration for customs which is producing the spiritual misperception. A consumer may want to change to a different spiritual belief system but does not want to insult their families; this approach can be paired with spiritual ecograms; letting them to evaluate their previous and current rapport with God. After assessing their support systems and their spiritual journey, the client could productively create the judgment on whether to alter their religion or not; the therapist should not make this choice for them. In my opinion, couples should undergo marriage education and counseling before being able to marry. My marriage and family counseling session would contain the data of African American marriages since couples need to have insight on the problem in order to prevent from being a part of the problem. Hence, unions would gain awareness on the low marriage and high divorce rates within the African American community. Thereafter, perhaps these marriages would fight harder for their marriages and maintaining their families. Conclusion In conclusion, couples receiving education on the state of African Americans marriage and divorce along with counseling prepare them with the utensils required to maintain a healthy marriage. I believe that any union seeking assistance would profit with these counseling technique both prior and during the course of marriage. Additionally, I also have faith that this these methods can produce an upsurge in couples getting and/or staying married and a reduction in the shockingly elevated rates of African American divorces. References Berenson, S.K. (2011). Should Cohabitation Matter in Family Law?. Journal of Law & Studies, 13(2), 289-328. Burton, L.M., Winn, D., Stevenson, H., & Clark, S. (2004). Working with African American Clients: Considering the â€Å"Homeplace† in Marriage and Family Therapy Practices. Journal of Marital & Family Therapy, 30(4), 397-410. Clarkwest, A. (2006). Premarital Characteristics, Selection into Marriage, and African American Marital Disruption. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 37(3), 361-380. Dixon, P. (2009). Marriage Among African Americans: What Does the Research Reveal?. Journal of African American Studies, 13(1), 29-46. DuCille, A. (2009). Marriage, Family, & Other â€Å"Peculiar Institutions† in African American Literary History. American Literary History, 21(3), 604-617. Gingrich, F., & Worthington Jr, E. L. (2007). Supervision and the integration of faith into clinical practice: Research considerations. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 26(4), 342-355. Goldenberg, H., & Goldenberg, I. (2013). Family therapy: An overview (8th ed.). Pacific Grove, CA: Brookes/Cole. Hill, S. A.(2006). Marriage Among African American Women: A Gender Perspective. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 37(3), 421-440. Hodge, D. R. (2005). Developing a Spiritual Assessment Toolbox: A Discussion of the Strengths and Limitations of Five Different Assessment Methods. Health & Social Work, 30(4), 314-323. Holland, R. (2009). Perceptions of Mate Selection for Marriage Among African American, College- Educated, Single Mothers. Journal of Counseling & Development, 87(2), 170-178. Kostenberger, A. J., & Johns, D. W. (2004). God, marriage, and family: Rebuilding the biblical foundation. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books. ISBN: 9781581345803. Leslie, L. A., & Letiecq, B.L. (2004). Marital Quality of African American and White Partners in Interracial Couples. Personal Relationships, 11(4), 559-574. Marsh, K., Darity Jr., W.A., Cohen, P. N., Casper, L.M., & Salters, D. (2007). The Emerging Black Middle Class: Single and Living Alone. Social Forces, 86(2), 735-762. Martin, T. L., & Bielawski, D. M. (2011). What is the African American’s Experience Following Imago Education?. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 51(2), 216-228. Mc. Clain, C. (2011). Family Stories: Black/ White Marriage During the 1960s. Western Journal of Black Studies, 35(1), 9-21. Pinderhughes, E. B. (2002). African American Marriage in the 20th Century. Family Process, 41(2), 269. Rowe, D. M. (2007). Marriage and Fathering: Raising Our Children Within the Context of Family and Community. Black Scholar, 37(2), 18-22. Worthington, E. (2005). Hope focused marriage counseling: A guide to brief therapy. Downers Grove, IL: Inter-Varsity Press.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Occupational Health and Safety Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Occupational Health and Safety - Essay Example There is no standard as to what elements or factors should be present for workplace or working conditions to be considered safe. The Contributory Negligence Doctrine puts the entire blame on the employee and frees the employer of any responsibility on the mishap that occurred. The relationship between the employers and the workers is one where their goals and the means of attaining them are segregated or are on totally opposite fields. There is no interdependence and cooperation in reaching a common goal. Employers are mainly concerned with production and are not involved in matters concerning the conditions and welfare of their workers or employees. This doctrine held on to the notion that employees are totally and solely responsible for their actions and management is a separate entity which is only accountable to itself and to the costs and profits of the business. Being a separate entity, employers are in no way part of the workers personal and individual concerns, even wile in the workplace or within the premises of the company structure, other than the giving of wage for service rendered. The basis of the relationship is only grounded on the exchange of services for wages. This doctrine's main assumption is that if employees, prior to their acceptance of the job or prior to the commencement of their duties, are aware of the hazards involved in the job or of the presence of hazards in the workplace then they have accepted these hazards as part of the employment conditions. They cannot therefore sue their employees in the event that an accident happens, because their acceptance of the job meant that they have accepted the hazards that go with it. The court based this doctrine on the theory that if an employee sees that there are hazards involved in the job before even accepting the work, he would demand for a higher wage because of the possibility of getting injured. The employer on the other hand, as a reaction to this demand, would either do something to remove the risk or would pay the additional salary. This doctrine reflects again a boxed relationship between the employee and employer where the concern lies in the exchange of service for money. The concern does not extend to the physical or emotional welfare of the employee while working for the company. There is no initiative on the part of the employer in providing safe conditions for the workers. The reaction of eliminating the risk factors is just a response to the issue of additional wage demanded by the worker. The basis of this reaction again is the financial standing of the company or the cost that they would have to incur. It is in no way to afford additional benefits to workers like safe working conditions. The burden of protecting oneself from work hazards is again on the shoulders of the workers. By demanding for additional compensation in exchange for a future possibility of an accident occurring while at work, the worker will free the employer of any liability. C. Fellow-Servant Doctrine The basic idea of this doctrine is that an employee cannot seek compensation from the employer for damages if the accident was caused, either entirely or in part, by a co-worker. This doctrine is regarded as an extension of the

Friday, September 27, 2019

Critically examine how a firms HR strategy could be its source of Essay

Critically examine how a firms HR strategy could be its source of competitive advantage - Essay Example This success has come with its share of problems and discrepancies as well. There have been occasions when the workforce has just not been good enough. Also the fact that this workforce has relied heavily on the adequate usage of the resources at hand is another quagmire that the peculiar business fraternities have found themselves within. The manner in which the HR operations have brought about a huge drift within the global business operations and the building up of competitive advantage over a period of time is an example in its own right and one that deserves its due share of acclaim and applaud, however the significance of having diverse workforce regimes is one aspect that needs to be understood within the proper contexts. The present day workforce depends a great deal on the way in which workers perform their duties and remain committed to the growth potentials of the business. It does not really matter if the workers are full time employees, or contingent or part time ones. What is needed and looked upon is the manner in which employees work towards attaining the goals and objectives of the business and provide benefits to the eventual position of the organization. This is the single most quintessential basis for the HR to identify with and no other aspect is deemed in the same vein when it comes to the amount of significance that the organizational employees could exhibit on any given day. (Peterson, 2002) If the HR entity has a major share of temporary workers within its fold, it is of paramount essence that the organization’s own culture is strong and there are no apprehensions in this basis whatsoever. This is because organization’s culture lays the foundation stone for their devot ion and work place performance levels to a higher magnitude. Any set of values and beliefs make up a culture, the simplest definition that one could

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Islam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Islam - Essay Example This we have learned from our Prophet, Mohammed. The method of ablution is specified by the Prophets mannerisms. Much of the Sunnah has been collected in Traditions of the Prophet known as Hadith. Not all Hadith are considered canon however, and the study of Hadith is a system of knowledge in unto itself. These understandings are the cornerstone of Islamic Life even in America. Islamic architecture is used in today's homes and mosques and work places. Perhaps most notable are the domed roofs of nearly all government centers. From county court houses to state capitols to the congress, the dome is a symbol of Islamic tradition as barrowed from enlightened Europeans. It is known that fraternal organizations concentrated on the formation of a liberated America. These organizations often draw from ancient symbols of the near east, one of which is the domed architecture. As a revival of such methods promulgate, we see more and more domes and minarets in America - sign Muslim communities are returning to traditional Islamic architecture. How much of what we know of modern society may be traced back to the advent of Islamic society Bin Fadlan an 11 century Persian scholar recounted something of the state to which Europe had fallen following the collapse of the Roman Empire. Barbarian tribes had overrun Europe and society had fallen into the violent disarray of feudal fiefs. Common people suffered and ignorance reigned.

Difficulties of vocabulary learning and the use of songs to promote Essay

Difficulties of vocabulary learning and the use of songs to promote vocabulary learning - Essay Example The main focus of the study is to determine the best teaching-and-learning method used in FL class and how to help the students to gain new vocabulary words even without the help of the teacher. Based on the research findings, it is concluded that the integration of English songs in the students’ learning activity inside the classroom enables the student to have a better score in terms of their ability to retain new vocabulary words. Nowadays, English plays a great role in education. It is the language of communication, informatics, networking and technique. Thus, it binds different nations of the world into united linguistic community. Almost all academic institutions put high on the agenda teaching English language. In order Arabian students to effectively gain knowledge of the English language, determining factors related to teaching, translation, mass media and diplomacy is required. English is an instrument of learning at various stages in the educational system of Saudi Arabia. This function justifies the choice of the research paper theme: "Literacy: Vocabulary and Difficulties of learning new words (vocabulary) in FL classes and the use of songs to promote vocabulary learning". English is the only foreign language taught in educational, industrial and governmental institutions. Basically, employees are required to learn the English language because advertisements for job openings in private sector emphasize the employers preferences for potential employees are those who can speak English. The mass media development is another medium that widely uses English in Saudi Arabia. One of the two national Saudi TV stations include: (1) channel 2 which is the English Channel (Braine); and (2) the European language radio station which is broadcasting news report in English and/or French. Likewise, we also have other forms of media such as the English daily newspapers, the Arab News, the Daily Riyadh, and the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Interview Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Interview Assignment - Essay Example Obviously, a lot of other applicants already have uttered these words which do not at all make me stand out from the rest. Aside from that, sincerity is not achieved. Thus, if I were to assess myself as a candidate employee, I would so easily look to others who might have a more personal story, something that would include personal experiences of how one was able to overcome a pressuring situation before or how one was able to handle difference of opinions without causing a fight. With this said, I would say that I would change the manner of telling about myself in a manner by which I would focus not on what I wish to do in the future, instead, how I would use my experiences to nurture good working relationships and maintain a good performance in their company. This is because of the fact that, in this manner, I would not be making up stories which appears to be obviously made up or idealistic. On the other hand, my second video was very attractive to employers because how I told about myself and my experiences were now hinged on how these will benefit the company if they hire me. With much thought about what a certain company I am applying for would need and want, I am able to choose relevant experiences of mine to tell them instead of just going around a bush and not really connecting to what the interviewer is looking for. Aside from that, showing willingness to learn from the experience the company will give me, should they hire me, instead of pretending like you know it all, is the time when I start to not stutter and not feel uncomfortable. In this activity, I have learned that being truly yourself is indeed very helpful in landing for a job that you like because it avoids one to sound superficial or trying too hard, which is a common trait of all other applicants. However, being truly yourself should also be accompanied with knowing the background, purpose, and goal of the company you are aspiring to be a part of because it shows that you

Monday, September 23, 2019

CASE STUDY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

CASE STUDY - Essay Example Typically, a client that is very serious about purchasing a new product, a new line, or a development package is usually going to be on time to the meeting and show the salesperson as much respect as possible in hopes that they can ease down the price of the products with their charm and good will. At 10:20am another non-verbal clue took place when another salesperson that was Andrews’ competitor walked into the office for a 10:30am appointment. Not only was the buyer for Skaggs Manufacturing tardy for their meeting, but she already had another salesperson scheduled for an immediate meeting right after Andrews. Gillespie also showed many counts of blatant disrespect toward Andrews. For one, there was a 10 minute period where she was discussing a tennis match for that day with the secretary instead of concentrating on who was there for a scheduled appointment. Finally, as Andrews began to speak with Gillespie in her office she gave him no attention, no eye contact and was focused on reading letters from her desk instead of what he had to say. The final sign of disrespect came when she answered the phone in the middle of their meeting and began talking with her husband for another 10 minutes until she finally saw the frustration on Andrews’ face. Each of these non- verbal clues was blatant hints that Andrews was not going to be able to earn the business of Skaggs Manufacturing that morning and he had definitely wasted his time. If I was John Andrews, I would have likely performed many of the same behaviors that he did. He kept calm during many different frustrating events where he was being blatantly ignored and disrespected by the buyer for Skaggs Manufacturing. Still, his job is to sell the product, so it is important to maintain an aura of professionalism and do his best to earn the customer’s business. Unfortunately, he was never able to actually give a sales pitch

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Strategic Analysis of E-Sonic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Strategic Analysis of E-Sonic - Essay Example It’s success critierion was to be determined from the amount of market share It could extract from its competitor. At the moment, there are two key players who dominate the online music industry. They firms command atleast 85% of the over all market share in downloads. E-Sonic had to target these customers while fetching for new customers to the world of online music. While the idea of targeting a million customers and attracting them to digital music, seems like a far fetched one, the formula for its success is not that complex. All it needs is some simple marketing, sound selection of artists and a nice user friendly web interface that will assist it in establishing its position as the market leader. The paper will conduct a strategy analysis of E-sonic. External Market Analysis: Industry Profile The online music industry is a very competitive one. In the last couple of years it has churned up a huge array of competitors. Some of these include the likes of iTunes, Napster an d AmazonMP3. Their overall revenues in the market exceed 4.2 billion dollars as of 2009. At the moment, the online digital music industry comprises of 400 legal music services that have been engaged in delivery some 260 types of products belonging to different genres such as music, ringtones, audiotracks and video. The competition in the industry is intense and a threat of potential new entrants looms. Their entry is supported by the looming trends in the market. This includes higher consumer purchases of online music, bigger and faster access to the internet round the globe and the increased ability to download and listen to music on-the-go with developments in the mobile industry and mobile connection. The online music market has shown improvement and growth compared to last year. According to statistics published by the Billboard numbers, approximately 1 billion tracks were sold in the United States in 2010. This was only a 0.3% increase from 2009. Similarly, sales of online albu ms has also peaked, increasing to 13%. This is particularly true of the North American region of the industry. E-Sonic:. Opportunities: E-sonic has the opportunity to further develop music player into a more mobile phone friendly format. Something on the lines of Rokr mobile phone device by Motorola should greatly benefit the company. E-sonic can also capitalize on revenues that can be generated from podcasts and radio shows. They can be downloaded from the internet and then played back on iPod. Threats: Competition in this industry is very intense. E-sonic has to work very hard on its marketing and R & D to stay on the top of the rung. Competitor Analysis ITunes is the market leader in this industry despite stiff competition from various online music vendors such as Amazon. It has managed to increase its market share manifold. The music service now churns out around 66.3% of the online music market according to a research. Amazon runs second in the competitor list having a share of 13.3 % as of third quarter of 2010. The competition between Amazon and Apple is intense. In 2010 Apple was seen pressurizing artists in its bid to obstruct Amazon’s music promotions. They warned them of loosing all support from iTunes if they were seen supporting Amazon music. However, it cant be said that Apple’s growth has come at the cost of Amazon. Amazon’s online music share steadily increased to 11% in the first quarter of 2010. Both music stores are marching

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Personal Attitude Speech FAA Medication Essay Example for Free

Personal Attitude Speech FAA Medication Essay Thesis Statement: I believe all pilots should avoid any type of medications that may slow the thinking process or reaction times before they fly. Introduction I. Many common medications are known to slow the thinking process and slow reaction times. II. I believe all pilots should avoid any type of medications that may slow the thinking process or reaction times before they fly. Body I. Slowness caused by medication can have a substantial negative impact on critical times of flight. a. When encountering bad weather, an unfamiliar area, or even just an unexpected flight event, the slowness caused by some medication could be the final determining factor that causes an accident. b. When encountering these types of conditions, a pilots mind must be clear to make split second decisions. II. Pilots have a great amount of responsibility placed on them with each and every flight. a. Some pilots may have the lives of several passengers behind their every move. b. Other pilots may be flying solo, but in a mishap can still cause danger to themselves or innocent bystanders on the ground. III. The FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) has compiled a list of prohibited medications, recognizing that some medications are valid for concern. a. In 12% of all fatal accidents in General Aviation prohibited medications were found to be a contributing factor (According to analysis of data by the FAA from the past decade). b. A valid point for concern that many pilots are still using impairing medications while operating aircraft, maybe unknowingly. i. Many OTC medications have a ubiquitous presence of sedating antihistamines. Conclusion I. A safe pilot should utilize the IMSAFE (which stands for Illness, Medications, Stress, Alcohol, Fatigue, and Emotions) to ensure they are safe prior to every flight, paying particular attention to the medications part of the checklist. II. I believe all pilots should avoid any type of medications that may slow the thinking process or reaction times before they fly.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Wireless Local Loop

Wireless Local Loop Wireless Local Loop Abstract-A local loop connects a subscriber to the service providers switch, this connection is usually a wire; typically copper wire. Advanced studies on the capabilities of copper wire as a transmission medium has made it possible to use the local loop to offer services other than the basic voice service. This technology known as digital subscriber line technology (DSL) utilizes the existing copper wires to provide high speed data services. Optical fibre is a better option particularly for its large bandwidth but cost restricts its use as a local loop. Wireless local loop eliminates the need for wires as the subscribers equipment is wirelessly connected to the providers network. Wireless local loop (WLL) is a popular alternative as it has been deployed in both developed and developing nations because of its advantages. With an ever increasing demand to access the internet, the wireless local loop has evolved seeking to meet such demand. This paper looks at the several wireless local loop technologies as well as its prospects and future as a medium for broadband wireless services. Keywords: Wireless Local Loop, Internet, Broadband INTRODUCTION The local loop refers to the circuit terminating at the subscribers premises connecting the subscriber equipment to the switch of the telecommunications provider. It is the last lap of the providers infrastructure over which services are delivered to the user, hence, the term â€Å"last mile† is also used to refer to the local loop. Copper wires have been the principal candidate for the local loop providing voice service for telephony. However, digital subscriber line technology (DSL) makes it possible to use existing copper wires to offer services other than voice such as data, video, and multimedia services. One form of digital subscriber line technology (DSL), asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) is the most commonly used today. Optical fibre has a lot of advantages over copper wire and that makes it an excellent choice for local loop but its cost is prohibitive. Wireless local loop also known as radio local loop uses radio signals to complete the last lap to the users premises. Wireless local loop is particularly suited to remote locations providing access to providers infrastructure and in areas where the terrain makes it impossible to lay cables. Wireless local loop offers a number of advantages over its wireline counterpart. 1) Fast deployment 2) Low installation cost 3) Low maintenance cost 4) High system capacity There are several wireless local loop (WLL) technologies available, hence, the technology deployed for a particular area will depend on the population density and service needs of the users. The rest of the paper is organized as follows, in section II, the wireless local loop architecture is considered. Section III presents the wireless local loop technologies followed by the wireless local loop for broadband services in section IV. Section V concludes the paper. WIRELESS LOCAL LOOP SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE The wireless local loop architecture is shown in figure 1. The fixed subscriber unit (FSU) is an interface between subscribers wired devices and wireless local loop network. The wired devices can be computers as well as telephones. The fixed subscriber performs channel coding and decoding, modulation and demodulation, and transmission/reception of signal via radio. The base transceiver system (BTS) performs channel coding/decoding, modulation and demodulation as well as transmission and reception of signal via radio. The base transceiver system is also referred to as the radio port (RP). A base station controller (BSC) controls one or more base transceiver systems (BTSs) and provides an interface to the local exchange (switch) in the central office [22]. WIRELESS LOCAL LOOP TECHNOLOGIES A. Microcellular based systems These systems provide low delay, low power and high quality services in a small coverage area. Compared with the cellular based wireless local loop, more base stations are required to cover the same service area. They are typically operated at 800MHz, 1.5GHz, 1.8GHz, and 1.9GHz frequency bands [77]. 1) Personal access communication system (PACS) Personal access communication system (PACS) is a low power radio system for both personal communication system applications and for fixed wireless loop applications. Personal access communication system is optimized to provide basic capabilities to support wireless local loop and additional capabilities to support mobility. The service capabilities of personal access communication system include voice, fax, voiceband data, and wireless digital data. The basic personal access communication handset can handle user with vehicle speeds up to about 50km/hr []. The personal access communication system architecture is shown in figure 2. The radio port (RP) function as radio frequency (RF) modems. Personal access communication system (PACS) uses time division multiple access (TDMA) on the uplink and time division multiplexing (TDM) on the downlink. The personal access communication system protocol supports switching to alternate channels when one radio port (RP) is busy [36]. 2) Personal handyphone system (PHS) Personal handyphone system is a low range personal communications services (PCS) technology that was developed in Japan to support very high density pedestrian traffic and wireless local loop. It is built on a foundation of digital cordless technology and microcell architecture [26]. Personal handyphone system (PHS) personal stations consist of handheld units that can operate as simple cordless phones, as transceivers for communications with other personal stations, or as mobile terminals to access the public switched telephone network (PSTN). The mode of operation must be selected by the user [26]. 3) Digital enhanced cordless telecommunications (DECT) Digital enhanced cordless telecommunications (DECT) is a radio interface standard developed in Europe mainly for indoor wireless applications [26]. Digital enhanced cordless telecommunications is a flexible digital radio access standard for cordless communications in residential, corporate, and public environment. In Europe, digital enhanced cordless telecommunications utilizes the 1880-1900 MHz frequency range. The DECT radio interface is based on the Multicarrier/Time division multiple access/Time division duplex (MC/TDMA/TDD) radio access methodology. Basic DECT frequency (1800-1900 MHz) is allocated to 10carrier frequencies, and the time is organized in frames. Each frame lasts for 10ms and consists of 24 timeslots separated into two fixed parts [37]. The fixed part (FP) consists of three entities; radio fixed port, central system, interworking unit. The radio fixed port terminates the air interface protocol. The central system provides a cluster controller functionality managing a number of radio fixed ports. The interworking unit provides all the necessary function for the DECT radio system to interwork with the attached wireline network; which can be: the public switched telephone network (PSTN), and the packet switched public data network [36]. B. Cellular based systems These systems are characterised by large power, high mobility and relatively low data rate over a large area. Cellular wireless local loop technologies are primarily used to expand the basic telephony services. Typically, they operate in the mobile frequency bands at 800-900 MHz, 1.8-1.9 GHz, and sometimes at 450 MHz or 1.5 GHz. For relatively sparsely populated rural and even urban settings, wireless local loop technologies based on existing cellular systems can be economical and rapidly deployed [77]. 1) Time division multiple access (IS-136/GSM) Time division multiple access (TDMA) is a multiple access technique which divides a channel into a number of timeslots. For TDMA system, there are two prevalent standards: North American telecommunications/electronics industry association (TIA/EIA) IS-136 and European telecommunications standards institute (ETSI) global system for mobile telecommunications (GSM). The IS-136 standard uses Ï€/4-Quadrature phase shift keying (Ï€/4-QPSK) modulation scheme while the GSM standard uses Gaussian minimum shift keying (GMSK) modulation. Also the channel bandwidth of the two systems is different (30 kHz for IS-136 and 200 KHz for GSM). GSM has a frame length of 4.615 ms instead of 40 ms for IS-136 [26]. Although GSM currently dominates mobile digital cellular and provides high quality voice, there has been little activity in using GSM as a wireless local loop platform. Being designed to handle international roaming, it carries a large amount of overhead that makes it unwieldly and costly for wireless local loop applications [36]. 2) Code division multiple access (IS-95/W-CDMA) Code division multiple access (CDMA) is a multiple access technique that employs spread spectrum technique. CDMA (IS-95) is a direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) system where the entire bandwidth of the system 1.25 MHz is made available to the user. The bandwidth is many times larger than the bandwidth required for transmitting information [26]. IS-95A standard has been TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF WIRELESS LOCAL LOOP SERVICES developed for a digital cellular system with direct sequence (DS) CDMA technology, operating at 800MHz band. IS-95 based CDMA wireless local loop can support two rate sets. A code channel (traffic channel) operates at a maximum of 9.6 kbps with the rate set 1 or 14.4 kbps with rate set 2. IS-95B offers high speed data services through code aggregation. In IS-95B systems, multiple codes (up to eight codes) may be assigned to a connection [22]. In CDMA systems pseudo-noise (PN) sequences are used for the different user signals with the same transmission bandwidth [26]. Wideband code division multiple access (W-CDMA) in comparison with narrowband CDMA systems (IS-95) use higher chip rate for direct sequence spread spectrum and, thus, spread its information into wider spectrum bandwidth (typically, equal to or over 5 MHz). Thus, data rate per code channel in W-CDMA can be higher than that in narrowband system. The wireless local loop standard defines several options for voice codecs: 64 kbps PCM, 32 kbps ADPCM, 16 kbps LD-CELP, and 8 kbps conjugate structure algebraic-code-excited linear prediction (CS-ACELP) [22]. CDMA based systems offer higher capacity and flexibility compared to other digital standards [36]. C. Satellite based systems These systems provide telephony services for rural communities and isolated areas such as islands [26]. These systems can be either of technology designed specifically for wireless local loop applications or of technology piggybacked onto mobile satellite systems as an adjunct service. Satellite technology has been used to provide telephony to remote areas of the world for many years. Such systems provide an alternative to terrestrial telephony systems where landlines are not cost effective or where an emergency backup is required [77]. A user can access the public switched telephone network (PSTN) via satellite indirectly from a wireless local loop facility through a small satellite terminal and a geostationary earth orbit (GEO) satellite. A very small aperture terminal (VSAT) terminal usually includes a 0.6-2.4 m dish antenna and a transceiver radio (outdoor unit) as well as a set of baseband and intermediate frequency (IF) subsystems (indoor units). In hybrid architectures, the VS AT is connected to a wireless local loop base station through the local switching exchange [24]. D. Proprietary systems These systems are considered proprietary because they are not available on the public wireless networks and are typically customized for a specific application. They generally do not provide mobility. Proprietary systems are, therefore, positioned to provide basic fixed wireless telephony. WIRELESS LOCAL LOOP FOR BROADBAND SERVICES For services requiring large bandwidths, such as video on demand, broadband wireless systems are suitable because of their higher frequency ranges. A. Local multipoint distribution systems (LMDS) Local multipoint distribution systems (LMDS) is a radio based access technology with cellular architecture offering flexible high capacity connections to private users and organizations [8]. Depending on the particular spectrum allocation policy, operation of LMDS systems take place at millimetre waves (typically 28 GHz in the United States and 40 GHz in Europe), enabling the exploitation of more than 1GHz operational bandwidth. This allows a plethora of multimedia services at data rates of hundreds of megabits per second [2]. Interactive LMDS has a point to multipoint downlink and a point to point uplink. The capacity of the return channel is determined by the needs of the individual user [8]. B. Worldwide interoperability for microwave access (WiMAX) Worldwide interoperability for microwave access (WiMAX) is a wireless communication technology capable of providing very high data rates over a large area. According to standards, WiMAX can support up to a 75 Mb/s data rate (single channel) and cover up to 30 miles [6]. The technology can provide fast and cheap broadband access to areas that lack infrastructure such as rural areas [4]. WiMAX technology supports two network modes: point to point (PMP) and mesh. A PMP network is designed primarily to provide for providing last mile access to the service provider, it consists of a base station (BS) and subscriber stations (SSs) and both uplink and downlink channels are shared among the subscriber stations. PMP mode requires all subscriber stations to be within the transmission range and clear line of sight (LOS) of the base station. The mesh network, on the other hand, is a multihop ad hoc network in which all nodes act as relaying routers in addition to their sender and receiver roles [1]. CONCLUSION The advantages of wireless local loop over the wired loop especially in the areas of fast deployment and installation cost continue to make it an attractive option for rural areas and difficult terrains. As with most wireless communication systems, the quality versus coverage area compromise remains an issue. However, the emergence of broadband wireless systems promises quality service over a considerable area, though, cost is a limiting factor. The wireless local loop market is expected to continue to grow in developed countries to compete with wired loop providers and in developing countries to connect many that are without service. REFERENCES [1] D.G. Jeong, and W.S. Jeon, â€Å"Current and future services using wireless local loop systems,† International Journal of Communication Systems, vol 13, pp. 289-301, 2000. [2]A.R. Noerpel, and Yi- Bing Lin, â€Å"Wireless local loop: Architecture, Technologies and Services,† IEEE Personal Communications, pp. 74-80, June 1998. [3] N. Cotanis, and B. Jabbari, â€Å"Wireless local loop radio systems,† Computer Networks, vol 31, pp. 343-352, 1999. [4] I.S. Barbounakis, P. Stavroulakis, and J.G. Gardiner, â€Å"General aspects of digital technologies for wireless local loops,† International Journal of Communication Systems, vol 13, pp. 187-206, 2000. [5] Th. Zahariadis, â€Å"Evolution of the wireless PAN and LAN standards,† Computer Standards and Interfaces, vol 26, pp. 175-185, 2000. [6] R. Conte, â€Å"Satellite rural communications: telephony and narrowband networks,† International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking, vol23, pp. 307-321, 2005. [7]A. Nordbotten, â€Å"LMDS and their Application,† IEEE Communications Magazine, pp. 150 -154, June 2000. [8] A.D. Panagopoulos, P.M. Arapoglou, J.D. Kanellopoulos, and P.G. Cottis, â€Å"Intercell Radio Interference studies in Broadband wireless networks,† IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol 56, No. 1, pp. 3-12, January 2007. [9] K. Lu, Y. Qian, H. Chen, and S. Fu, â€Å"WiMAX Networks: From Access to Service Platform,† IEEE Network, pp. 38-45, May/June 2008. [10] Z. Abichar, Y. Peng, and J.M. Chang, â€Å"WiMAX: The Emergence of Wireless Broadband,† IT Pro, pp. 44-48, July/August 2006. [11] K. Lu, Y. Qian, and H. Chen, â€Å"A Secure and Service-Oriented Network Control framework for WiMAX Networks,† IEEE Communications Magazine, pp. 124-130, May 2007.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Confidentiality of Medical Information :: HIPAA Act

The law does not give permission to the health care professionals to disclose the medical information of the patients. It is the right of a patient to have his or her personal identifiable information to be confidential. This medical information is suppose to only be available to the physician of record as well as other necessary health care and insurance personal. Confidentiality of patient was protected by federal statute, as of 2003. Passing of federal regulations which was the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 was facilitated by the requirement of having privacy as well as protection of personal records and data in an electronic medical records environment and third party insurance payers. The meaning of patient confidentiality is that personal and medical information that are provided to the providers of health care cannot be disclosed to others not unless the patient has provided authorization for the release. In fact permission is not supposed to be granted to health care professionals to disclose the patient’s medical information. This is because there could be professional or personal problems by disclosing the medical information of the patients for patients depends on the physicians in keeping private their medical information, American Psychological Association (2003). Normally it becomes difficult for medical records to be completely sealed up. The greatest factor that affects confidentiality is when clinicians turn to share medical information as case studies. In any case such data happens to be published in professional journals, then the patient’s identity is never divulged and the entire data that identifies the patient become either eliminated or changed. However, if at all the confidentiality is breached, the patient may have the right of suing, British Medical Association (2008). Another greatest threat to medical privacy takes place since many of the medical bills are settled through a particular health insurance, which can be private or public, Radford, Roger, (2002). In this occasion it becomes very hard for the medical information to be confidential. There is viewing of the health records occasionally by just not physicians and their staffs only but as well medical laboratories, employees of insurance companies, researchers, public health insurance and a lot of others. In any case an employer is providing health insurance; the employee files may then be accessed by the employer and designated employees. The requirement of the 1996, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is that every organizations and professionals to guard the privacy of their customers and patients, Carter P.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Essay --

Mao Zedong was born December 26, 1893 and lived until September 9 in 1976 when he died in Beijing China. Mao Zedong died from the Motor neuron disease. Mao Zedong was born into a peasant family in the place Shoshanna near Hunan. During the years of 1928 throughout 1931. Mao Zedong and others that worked with Mao Zedong established armies in the hinterlands and created the Red Army which was known as the most feared â€Å"army† in china during the time of the revolution. During the Cultural Revolution Mao Zedong , people also knew him as Mao Zedong Tse tung was the Chinese ruler. He ruled the country during this time known as Chairman of the Communist Party of China. Moa was very well educated in Western and Chinese traditions. During the year 1918 Mao Zedong had a job as a librarian assistant at Peking University. He would call himself a Marxist in the of 1920 and he helped found the current Chinese Communist party Communist formed an alliance during 1923 with a man called Sun Ya sen and his Nationalist party. After that Mao Zedong quit the current job he had as a teacher to become a poli...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Ottoman Architecture Essay -- Art, Islamic Architecture

There are few things that actually do last. Legends, arts, beliefs, and architecture are among the few that actually do last. Architecture can be defined as a practice of constructing and designing a building project. However, the Islamic architecture has a distinctive range of both religious and secular styles that have been influenced by the Islamic culture. Furthermore, The structure of Islamic architecture that is used in mosques, tombs, palaces and fountains is unavoidable in sight. The relationship between early Islamic architecture and modern foundation of construction provides a penetrating overview of encompass of Islamic culture in Iran, Tunisia, India, and Turkey. However, Turkey was such a desirable region and preserved of the astonishing site of the structural design of the Ottoman Empire. Originally, the incredible mosques in Turkey have emerged from the wonders of Islamic art such as Suleimaniye Mosque. The sense of gorgeous decoration and quotations from the Quran on the mosque’s interior walls is typically Islamic. The marvelous design of the Ottoman architectural design persists its flourishing in the present day with a combination of luxury and modern art. One of the best examples in modern life is Zabeel Saray Hotel in Dubai, which has the perfect harmony between the old Ottoman architecture and modern luxurious hotel. As the Ottoman Empire emerged, it brought up its own distinctive touch on culture from literature, art, music and most importantly architecture. Ottoman architecture is considered a blend of Islamic Mamluk traditions, Byzantine architecture as well as Iranian architecture. Building techniques at that time were very advanced, architects were able to balance between inner and outer spaces in a... ...nd Polyurethane (a substance made from the foam of sea salt) ( Jumeirah organization, 2001). At the hotel entrance, a â€Å"Tughra† which is a symbol of an ottoman power was used as a part of an exterior design. Moreover, Jumeirah Zabeel Saray is a multifunctional hotel it consist of 10 restaurants, bars, 12 boutiques, conference rooms, Mehteran Theatre, and Talise Ottoman Spa that includes a relaxation area and a Turkish hammam ( Jumeirah organization, 2011). As Mahgoub (2009) mentioned,† that air conditioned and glass covered buildings are considered symbols of modernity and civilization†. Modern buildings have advanced safety measures that were not available during the Ottoman Empire. Such as fire staircase, fire extinguishers and emergency exits. As a result, modern and old traditional architecture are combined to satisfy the demand of both new and old generations.

Poverty and Lifeboat Ethics Essay

A famous Chinese proverb goes: â€Å"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach him how to fish and he will eat for the rest of his days.† Although this wise advice was given thousands of years ago, nowadays looks like no powerful or rich government on Earth understands that sentence. Garrent Hardin, author of â€Å"Lifeboat Ethics: The Case Against Helping the Poor† show us an honest perspective on how the rich countries in the world, by donating food and money, instead of helping poor countries get out of their misery, cause more hunger and strife. In addition, he tells us that overpopulation in poor countries should be controlled soon, or the current situation will turn ugly very fast. Although Hardin’s evidence is almost indisputable, his position is not. I understand why the author believes that helping poor people is a bad idea but he isn’t looking at many others sides of the situation. At the beginning, my reaction was the opposite. I was totally convinced by Hardin’s theory. I desperately sought a place within a â€Å"lifeboat!† But after discussing the essay in class, and hearing myself repeat Hardin’s words that express his indifference about poor people, and also rethinking his thesis in which poor people don’t have a chance for a better life, I changed my position. I can’t support those ideas because in my own point of view, they are false. It is just not true. Some countries and some societies already made a change. Some countries like South Korea, Singapore and China have broken the poverty cycle. We shouldn’t be so negative and we must remember that even the poorest people on the planet have imagin ation, ideas, beliefs and an imperative necessity to change their own universe. However, I think that the answer is within Hardin’s thesis too. Poor people don’t need food and clothes only in cases of emergency. Instead, they need a few rich governments interested in giving them tools and ways to improve their economies, to develop their ideas and to use their creative minds. Without that little help all life in this planet will disappear. So, helping the poor is also a way of helping everyone else, even rich people. And here Hardin’s thoughts are necessary: â€Å"Without a true world government, controlled reproduction and the use of available resources, the sharing ethic of the spaceship is impossible.† (Lifeboat Ethics: The Case Against Helping the Poor. Pg. 310.) If the poorest destroy their natural resources, the consequences will be for everyone, regardless of how much each possesses. In conclusion, I think Hardin is correct when he asks about the future on Earth, if we take statistics and analyze their results for the year 2050. However, his position against helping poor people and trying to eliminate them from the face of the Earth is wrong. I believe in a true world, where rich countries use their development technology and their healthy, well-nourished minds to decrease the percentage of poverty in the world, and where everyone wins the right to live in this, our planet Earth.

Monday, September 16, 2019

The Good Life

The Good Life goes on but how would I know if goes so fast I miss it .It’s like the story of a good tale that always end with a man who can never tell his story is like a book which has been open for just one look, So like any other fairy tale A wish comes true The poor pathetic life of a blacksmith turns into a heroic life of a hero, A hero they gave me the title the name of the world’s finest idol The million aired they also stressed the could be me they would always idol I was just a poor pathetic blacksmith a handy man for the people No one special I was Just a low class man with a â€Å"DREAM â€Å"That came true That day the people gazed at the hammers as they bang This one time was different the bang sparked like the glazing of the sun Gold I could only think of the fiery shines of the Day Its Gold its Gold I thought I keep it to myself at first before I started a riot of despaired people More bangs More Gold I did And soon I was a Gold having poor man So the f ew days passed by the weeks passed by the months passed by And I turned in the Gold and became this new man A Richer man a man with thousands to spend the Million aired.But with the money I gave some portion to the poor and turned their into a better TRUTH And that’s when they called me the HERO The titles â€Å"YES† they came and came, HERO, MILLON AIRED, FARTHER, RICHES, KEEPERS MAN, The Gold Digger, And most important of all the WEALTHY I lived for this day I said to myself the days dream will never end I can walk upright high looking glamorous than any other in the whole city maybe even country. I stand I front of people just to say my story the tear up and ball all around me as I only say the Good Life is were I’m at now so no need for tears. The whole country knows me but do they even know my name. I demanded myself to take a seat and think is this whole Good Life Masquerade even worth it if the people on know me for my good deeds but yet not even know my name.The door opens and the voice comes in Mister Wealthy it’s time for your speech, I somewhat drag myself out in front of millions and say â€Å"The honor to stand before the people of America the people who work hard and realize that it doesn’t matter where you came from it only matters were your going and how you get there the success of a life time done in one year is outstanding the people thought but the thing is it worth it, the threats of murder for money is it worth it, Some you don’t even know my name the name of the man with millions of thousands. The name of your Hero you clam is â€Å"Patrick Luis’’ That’s my name not these titles you give me. I leave this Speech with One thing my Honor for I am just a man in a suit a man with a life just like you I am just a man not a GOD†

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Of mice and men presentation †Chapter one Essay

At the start of chapter one the setting is tranquil, there are many animals to show that the humans will not be welcome when they arrive. The animals seem to own the valley. (OHP EXAMPLES OF ANIMALS) * Because the lizard is small it would need to be very quiet and peaceful for it to make a ‘Skittering’ sound. ** The rabbits are obviously very confident with the surroundings, which shows that humans do not go there often. The rabbits are a recurring theme in ‘Of mice and men’ *** Deer are generally very timid animals around humans so, again, like the rabbits it proves the absence of human life and it’s effects on the wildlife. Steinbeck also uses a lot of natural colours that make the setting calm and harmonious. There are ‘Deep greens’ of the trees, ‘Golden foothill slopes’ and ‘Yellow sands’. These colours do not clash with each other and help contribute to the almost utopian environment. Because of a complete lack of human life, the area not only seems safer but also calmer. The trees have been personified to replace the humans. The sycamores were said to have ‘White, recumbent limbs’ When Steinbeck says that ‘Men who have sat on it’ have worn the limb of the sycamore he shows that people can destroy nature and the beauty of the setting. Another example of this is when he talks of ‘A path beaten hard by boys’ This is just before George and Lennie enter the scene so could indicate that they are not entirely wanted. (SEE OHP FOR PICTURES) **** These pictures show the impact of humans In the paragraph when the men enter the novel the scene starts to have a darker atmosphere. The shade ‘Climbs’ up the hills. This is not only an example of the personification of the shadow, but it also dims the previously bright setting. This could be because George and Lennie are arriving. Darkness shows evil and although I wouldn’t call George or Lennie evil the animals do not want them there. The way the two men enter seems to be very significant. George walks before Lennie even though there is enough room for them top walk side by side. This shows George’s protectiveness and leadership over Lennie. It also shows Lennie is mentally younger and more simplistic because he is always copying like a child is. (SEE OHP GEORGE AND LENNIE WALKING) Lennie’s simplicity is also graphically portrayed when he is likened to different animals. For example when Steinbeck says: ‘His huge companion dropped his blankets and flung himself down and drunk from the surface of the green pool, he drank with long gulps, snorting into the water like a horse.’ This simile shows that Lennie is not only as strong as a horse but also has manners like one. He is later referred to as bear-like in his actions and features. It is described that he is ‘Dragging his paws’ Obviously, being a human, he has hands not paws but because they are so large and because of what he is doing with them they are called paws. There is a sequence in the first chapter where Lennie imitates George’s exact movements-this show that Lennie needs to copy because he can’t think for himself and he is not confident. (ANDREW COPYS DAN AS LENNIE DOES GEORGE) As you can see I was playing the role of George, the intelligent character and Andrew the slow, simple character. Yet another example of George being the more confident character is when he starts to get angry and begins to shout, complaining about the bus driver. Whilst George is doing this Lennie is very quiet and acts timidly. It is, however easy for the reader to be sympathetic towards George and understand his anger. Because Lennie isn’t very clever, George often has to repeat himself many times. At one point George has to ask Lennie three times to put down a dead mouse that he has got. When they want to eat, Lennie wants to go to the ranch that they are headed towards but George realises that they will have to do more work if they go straight away so he says no. Lennie cannot understand this. This shows that Lennie just wants immediate satisfaction whereas George can look at what will happen in the future. It is also possible to see a kind, caring side through George’s anger and frustration. He often says ‘Aw Lennie’ when his friend gets upset about something and comforts him. The first chapter gives an in-depth impression of what the two main characters’ personalities are like and how they have similarities and differences.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

My Science Fair Project Essay

My science fair project is about the sound transmission through different veneers. A veneer is the outer part of the house. It can also be called a siding. The veneers I used were brick, cement fiber, and vinyl. I used these because they were three very common veneers. I thought if I used common veneers it would make the project mean more because people can see sound transmission through common sidings. The way I built the cement fiber and vinyl siding boxes was, I cut plywood sides. After I cut the sides I nailed them together to make a box. After I made the box I wrapped the houses in house wrap. House wrap is used as a moisture barrier. My purpose for the house wrap is not to stop water from coming in, but, I used it because most houses use it. After I wrapped the houses I nailed the siding on. I then used wood putty to fill the holes. The brick box was a different procedure. After I wrapped the brick box I had to build a platform then I had to lay the brick with mortar. I had to attach the brick to the plywood with the wall ties. I tested my buildings by putting a transistor radio into the plywood box. After I put it in the box I turned it on at a low level, I then put the lid on the box and I used my sound level meter. This meter measures the amount of decibels coming out of the house. A decibel is a unit of measurement for sound. I also did the same thing on a loud and a medium sound level. I did this with all of the boxes. The brick box produced an average of 10.33 decibels at a (80) 43 decibel volume, an average of 13 decibels at a (90) 53 decibel volume, and an average of 19.66 at a (100) 63 decibel volume with a total average of 14.33 decibels. The cement fiber box produced an average of 19 decibels at a (80) 43 decibel volume, an average of 22 decibels at a (90) 53 decibel volume and an average of 30 decibels at a (100) 63 decibel volume. The Vinyl box produced an average of 27 decibels at a (80) 43 decibel volume, an average of 26.66 decibels at a (90) 53 decibel volume and an average of 33 decibels in a (100) decibel volume. My results of my project proved my hypothesis of brick producing the least amount of sound transmission.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Summarizing this Pdf to one page plz Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Summarizing this Pdf to one page plz - Essay Example Depending on the ground plane size, a moderate to high efficiency is achieved. The antenna has a small fraction bandwidth of around 1%. As the ground plane size decreases ohmic loss increases and the antenna become more similar to an isotropic radiator. Symmetrically loaded miniaturized slot antenna applies boundary condition at both sides of the slot-line. Under this condition, re-configurability, selection of area with the peak current and variable miniaturization level is possible. Slot antenna uses inductive loadings to maintain the current level in the end of reduced size slot antenna. Since small antennas are narrowband, it is important to increase the bandwidth without compromising efficiency. Comparison between the miniaturized slot and miniaturized folded slot impedances shows an increase by a factor of four in the radiation conductance. Therefore, slotted structures demonstrate higher efficiency and lower losses and are thus preferred whenever a ground plane is

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The Ideology Of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Research Paper

The Ideology Of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria - Research Paper Example They employ the vicious Hudud punishments in enforcing sharia laws in the areas they control in Iraq and Syria. The Jihadist group is also known as the â€Å"Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant† (ISIL) and controls an unrecognized state and caliphate in the Middle East. ISIS originated from the almost fallen Al-Qaeda. The Al-Qaeda who embarked on the arbitrary and brutal treatment of civilians tried to ignite a sectarian war to the majority Shia community in 2006 under Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. The ignition was almost a success after they bombed a Shia shrine, Al-Askariya Mosque, in Samarra sparking retaliatory attacks. Their leader was however killed and the group was nearly destroyed (Charles River Editors, 2014, 10). When the US forces left Iraq, a ‘third generation’ of Al Qaeda emerged. Rebranding their name to Islamic State in Iraq, 2006 saw the birth of this new generation of Al Qaeda. They would later add and Syria to the name to complete the name ISIS. The Shia-dominated government of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, they claimed, starved resources and excluded the Sunnis from a share of power. The new leader, Abu Omar al Baghdadi re-established the group’s influence through ideologies when Sunni senior political leaders were being arrested and people from the Sunni dissent suffered heavy-handed suppression (Charles River Editors, 2014, 16). In 2010, Abu Omar al-Baghdadi was killed in a joint US-Iraq operation paving way for the Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi governance. In 2013, ISI absorbed the Al-Nusra Front which was an Al Qaeda backed militant group in Syria. Al-Baghdadi named the group ISIS. Al-Nusra Front’s leader and Al Qaeda however later renounced the ties after months of infighting. The group then started taking control of cities starting with Mosul and Tikrit freeing prisoners and radicalizing young people. The group is both politically charged and still rules through Islam fanaticism.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Feeding of Swine Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Feeding of Swine - Lab Report Example According to this study, research has also shown that after three weeks of feeding weight gain has reached its optimum but the carcass quality continues to improve with longer feeding. However, a problem has been observed since there is a decrease in the return in the dose and feeding duration. This research found out that the greatest weight gain was in the first week and declined beyond three weeks and no gain thereafter. It was also found out that feed intake increased in the first two weeks and decreased in the following weeks. Moreover, there was a "percent yield increased logarithmically over a 4-week feeding period for both 4.5 and 9 g/ton. Finally, 9 g/ton feeding gave greater yield than 4.5g/ton dose and optimal feeding was three to four weeks before market. In addition, the study "Pig Performance by Using Paylean" by Larry K. McMullen and Arlin Karsten affirms that feeding of ractopamine "at the 9 grams/ton level in the finishing diet for 28 days increased the production parameters of grow-finish pigs and resulted in a greater economical advantage over the pigs fed a traditional finishing diet." This research is anchored on these two studies, however it has modifications as to the comparison and contrast of the swine production based on the different feeding components such as: with Paylean, high and low protein gilts or young female pigs and barrows or castrated male pigs. For each of the s For each of the study group, four pigs are used. The first group is composed of gilts fed with Paylean. These Paylean Gilts consumed 1132.2 lbs. feed during the whole duration of the study and showed increase in weight of 101.7, 127.61, 112, and 95.01 lbs. or an average of 109.08 lbs. It has also manifested an ADG (average daily gain) of 2.09475 lbs. The second group is fed Low Protein feed. The Low Protein Gilts consumed 1078.8 lbs. feed or 32 bags and showed an increase in weight of 60.6, 80.61, 76, and 55 lbs. or an average of 68.0525 lbs. It has also an ADG of 1.305 lbs. The third group is fed with High Protein diet. For the High Protein Gilts that consumed 1089.20 lbs. feed, the weight increase are 89.8, 85.5, 65.6, and 68.5 or an average of 77.35 lbs. It has also an ADG of 1.4775 lbs. The other set of pigs under study are the barrows . For the Paylean Barrows at 23.5 lbs. feed and 24 bags, there is a weight increase of 106.2, 93.2, 100.4, and 96.4 or an average of 99.05 lbs. It has also an ADG of 1.9025 lbs. The next group of barrows is fed with Low Protein diet. The Low Protein Barrows consumed 1570.8 lbs. feed over 52 days and showed an increase in weight of 77.6, 69.6, 83.4, and 89.4 lbs. or an average of 80 lbs. It has also an ADG of 1.5325 lbs. The last group of barrows is fed with High Protein feed. For the High Protein Gilts that consumed 1220.9 lbs. feed or 25 bags, the weight increase are 68.8, 85, 85.8, and 78 or an average of 79.4 lbs. It has also an ADG of 1.525 lbs. The above data imply that both Gilts and Barrows fed with Paylean yield the highest weight gain. In addition, in the Low Protein, Barrows have a slightly higher yield than High Protein feed at 0.0075 difference and for the Gilts High Protein feed is higher than Low Protein feed at 0.1725 lbs. difference. In other words, Paylean still gives a higher weight gain compared to High Protein and Low Protein feed in both Gilts and Barrows. For the High and Low Protein feed on both the Gilts and Barrows, it shows very slight difference which may indicate that the dosage of protein

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Problems when installing software Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Problems when installing software - Essay Example mportant to clarify the existence of a significant of problems that usually arise when it is installed or put into use in an organization (Ashdown & Easton 2001). In simple terms, the term software installation entails a process of bedding in a well-defined set of computer programs necessary for accomplishing a predefined set of tasks. In other words, this involves the act of making a particular computer application ready for use by adding its integrated components into a computer with an objective of reaping crucial functionalities. One of the most common problems in installing a software in an organization is lack of full compatibility with the installer of the organization operating system. This problem arises in scenarios where poor requirements gathering process is done particularly on the operating system needs of the software. To be precise, the compatibility issue occurs in scenarios where the software is successfully installed but containing problems in implementing some crucial functionalities necessary for the daily organization operations. This results into immense losses since sometimes the whole software can have to be uninstalled and never used in the organization (Faris 2006). Fear of the unknown by most employees in an organization offers another major problem in the newly installed software. Most employees usually fear that a new software installation can affect their reputations or remove the advantages enjoyed before. In this sense, employees can do their best to manipulate the software and rendering it non-functional or not working as per expectations. To the organization, this usually results into a huge a problem since it renders all investments made for the software turn into complete losses (Rozanski & Woods 2011). It is important to note that hacker techniques all around the globe have under gone significant technological advancements. This includes the fact that they integrate Trojan horses into most organization software or business

Monday, September 9, 2019


GOVERNMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING IS LEADING TO RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT TO BECOME UNVIABLE - Essay Example In particular it discusses the different ways in which policy is specified in different tenures and the extent to which implementation depends upon administrative allocation mechanisms. It concludes that up to the present time the shift in emphasis is more one of rhetoric than of reality and, more fundamentally, that the forms in which current policies are implemented bear very little relationship to those suggested by analysis of basic principles. Thus the curetn study goes some what deep into the policy regulations with respect to each Housing Act 2004, and how the regulations are failing at different level to meet the affordability. The research considers Hosuing price as main relative to affordability and also intends to observe the mortage and interest rates governed by regulations. The study intends to follow qualitative historical study to derive the hypothesis of the study. To address the issue a comprehensive review of a range of different data and information sources, including academic publications, research reports and government publications, was undertaken. A number of intellectual disciplines were covered in the review: economics, management and business studies, regeneration and housing, psychology and behavioural studies. Early on it became obvious that there was an overall lack of research and information on asset-building in general and more specifically, on the UK Housing policy. The research accessed and reviewed literature and data from the UK, where the majority of research on regulations framed around the affordable housing and the articles that illustrates the opinion of the different stakeholders on the impact of those regulations. Literature for this review was identified through a range of searches. This included Internet searches of key websites and searches on databases covering academic references, practice and professional journals, national and

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Internal Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Internal Analysis - Essay Example rategic ways on how Wal-Mart can make use of its strengths in order to take advantage of its opportunities within its external environment will be thoroughly discussed. In the process of discussing some ways wherein the company could experience continuous business growth, recommended ways that could make Wal-Mart strengthen its weaknesses and avoid unnecessary external threats will be provided. For the conclusion, whether or not it is possible on the part of Wal-Mart to strengthen its position in the market will be defended by an argument. As a retailer, Wal-Mart has successfully established a strong brand name over the years. By selling consumer products at relatively low prices, the company managed to have the biggest market shares throughout the retail industry in the United States. (Bianco & Zellner, 2003) Due to the excessively large size of the company, it becomes very difficult on the part of its purchasers to maintain the availability of some of its product within the store outlets. Because of the weak purchasing network that causes insufficient supply of T-shirts in some of Wal-Mart’s retail store outlets during the second half of 2007 (Bianco, 2007), the company experienced a huge business opportunity loss. Aside from having a weak purchasing network, Wal-Mart’s growth strategy was reported to become inefficient since 2005. (Bianco, 2007) Basically, the rapid business growth that the company has achieved over the past few years enabled Wal-Mart to capture as much of its target market. For this reason, it becomes very difficult on the part of the company to use the same growth strategy in the near future. Even though the overhead costs of Wal-Mart significantly increased from 16.4% in 2000 up to 18.6% in 2007 (Bianco, 2007), the company is often being accused of underpaying its employees with low salary of US$8.23 per hour or US$13,861 each year (Bianco & Zellner, 2003). Having the idea of following the retail store structure of European

Digital Futures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Digital Futures - Essay Example This creature is then destined to serve in various fields that a normal human being cannot serve. Likewise, cloning has also drawn the attention of many, where people want to replicate superior organisms. The Australian Defense Forces has shown great interest on the emerging cyborg technology, asserting that it will serve a great deal in boosting its security. This paper will discuss digital futures in light of cyborg technology in the Australian Defence Forces. Cyborg technology Human beings have been ambitious in the creation of living things from non-living parts. While this may seem like just a dream, tremendous progress has been made in this field. This artificial creation of life can be categorized into two broad classes. First is carbon-based live, where living organisms are developed from classical building blocks of nature. The other one is where scientists create living organisms using the same principles of creation, but implementing them differently. This may be through m achines such as computers or laboratory bags. Cyborg technology falls under the first mode of creation where organisms are developed from components found in the world. This process uses materials that have no relation with the human body such as metals and plastics (Adami, 1998). Cyborg technology is no longer a myth, as it is possible to develop robots that can function as well as human being. With technology, scientists are now able to develop structures that enhances the functionality of human being. They argue that humans have limited capability and to survive in a complex world, the society needs a structure with superior abilities. As a result they have developed a human-robot with superior intelligent than the normal robots, and named it cyborg. A cyborg, as the name suggests is a cybernetic organism, composed of the human part and the machine part. These two parts are integrated in a special way in order to perform the required tasks (Warwick, n.d). However, there are numer ous challenges that are associated with the functionality of a cyborg, bearing in mind that human beings are the one that control it. The big question still lies as to whether cyborgs have been able to accomplish the purpose they were designed for, or more research needs to be conducted for their improvement (Seed, 2005). What constitutes a cyborg is still vague as it is possible to narrow the definition to any living organism, whose body system has mechanical or biotechnologies. With this regard, about 10% for instance of the United States citizens are cyborgs. This group of people in technical terms includes those who have artificial joints, drug implant systems, artificial skins or with electronic pacemakers. In short, those with an artificial element that prevents their bodies to act naturally. On the other hand, a large number of people engage in careers that make them metaphoric cyborgs. It is with certainty that these people accidentally found themselves in this category (See d, 2005). The creation of the cyborg started when the military saw the need for improving its performance. With rise in human power and military equipment, the military sought to develop a structure that would function more than human beings would. As a result, it opted to combine the human element and the mechanical element to come up with a superior product. Initially, scientists through accidents had replaced most of the vital organs in

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Personality traits Essay Example for Free

Personality traits Essay Personality traits, cultural background, religion, geography and other demographic features are distinguishing factors among human beings. As we grow old all these variables shape our personalities, likes and dislikes, goals, ambitions and our life styles at large. Goals and ambitions that we set for ourselves in life are determined largely by factors such as our peers, early childhood experiences, upbringing, people we look up to as role models, and other life experiences. Hence it makes all the more sense for individuals to pursue their aspirations in life from which they derive satisfaction and contentment. However there are times when due to various external factors an individual is compelled to compromise and sacrifice his or her personal goals and interests. In a country like Pakistan which is faced with several economic setbacks, professions such as engineering, banking, etc are looked at with respect and considered to be appropriate as they ensure a secure source of income. However art, which unlike in western societies, has a stigma associated with it and is not encouraged to be pursued as a career. Therefore many fine young artists quit their work in the early stage and enter into other professions in order to earn a fixed stream of income to survive and support the family. Moreover there are students with interest in the field of astronomy and astrophysics who look forward to pursue a career in the respective fields. However the lack of good institutions offering degrees in such fields and nonexistent scope for such professionals in the local scenario only compounds difficulties for them. Hence these individuals are left with little option but to pursue a career in a separate field which will at least ensure them a decent living once they graduate. There are also times when children are pressurized by their parents to pursue the family profession and take over the responsibility. As young adults they are expected to honor the traditions of the family. Thus they eventually concede to such immense pressures and join the family business or profession. There are times when as a part of a group an individual might be required to perform and carry out activities which he or she doesn’t enjoy doing. However considering the overall benefit of the group every individual is expected and required to conform in order to achieve the goals for the group. Having discussed some of the situations where an individual might have to do things which he or she would not, if left to one’s discretion, it is very important to stress the fact that real motivation and drive for most of the people comes from doing things which inspires them. People work hard towards the attainment of certain goals because they value them and it will give them a sense of satisfaction. Moreover to be able to grow and progress in life people seek new challenges and get themselves involved in tasks which they enjoy doing. Nevertheless sometimes a compromise is the only resort left to people to avoid conflict and they are compelled to do things which they normally don’t enjoy doing. Works Cited Fowler, James Manktelow and Kellie. Personal Goal Setting. 30 December 2008 http://www. quintcareers. com/personal_goal_setting. html. Keirsey, Dr. David M. Personality Traits Personal Growth Understand Your Temperament to Accomplish Life Goals. 30 December 2008 http://www. articlesnatch. com/Article/Personality-TraitsPersonal-GrowthUnderstand-Your-Temperament-to-Accomplish-Life-Goals/397215. Pakistan Teaching Profession. 30 December 2008 http://education. stateuniversity. com/pages/1149/Pakistan-TEACHING-PROFESSION. html.