Sunday, September 1, 2019

Mobile Phone and Favorite Website Facebook Essay

Introduction I. A woman driving her car, her eyes off the road, an accident occurred due to texting and are found dead. Being bullied on facebook led a teenage girl to commit suicide. II. These are the two scenarios in how technical reality is a dangerous part of today’s society. III. I have done research in texting and facebook that effects people in many different ways. IV. Today, I would like to persuade you that many people live in a technical world by using texting and a website like facebook instead of facing reality. (Transition: Let’s start with everyone’s favorite activity texting) Body I. Everyone is texting and has impacted their lives, which have caused them to injury or even death. People text while driving, running, walking, and even in places like school and work that are easily distracted by receiving a text. A. According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety there statistics show that in the year 2010 there has been over 33,788 lives lost. 1. Many people know the danger of texting, but they rather risk their lives and just answer that text they received or read an email instead of focusing on their driving. 2. For instance, on CBS News in Minnesota announced that a mother was texting on her cell phone, with her two kids in the car, and caused her to crash into a motorcyclist that was in serious injuries. B. Besides texting and driving, adults and students are easily distracted from work and/or school. 1. On September 2011, Chris Gayomali from Time, his statistics shows that 83% of American adults that own cell phones, 73% of them send roughly about 110 texts per day or 3,200 text messages per month. 2. For example, students are easily distracted when they feel the buzzer go off on their cell phone and are eager to read their text, which cause them to loose focus of the lecture. (Transition: Now that I have discussed about texting let’s move on to everyone’s favorite website facebook.) II. Everyone has facebook. More than 800 million people have a profile activated. Most people use facebook to gossip about each other even adults. A. Many teenagers have facebook and are harming them in many ways. Some are being distracted from school; some are being bullied on facebook. According to Consumer Reports, 7 million kids under 13 are on Facebook. 1. For instance, the ABC News on October 2011 Nicolette Taylor a 13-year-old girl was being bullied on facebook about her having a big nose, which caused her to have cosmetic surgery done at a young age. 2. Another incident occurred, Douglas Stanglin from USA today, that Phoebe Prince a 15-year-old teen a recent immigrant from Ireland was found hanging from her room dead due to being bullied on facebook and harassed. B. Besides the facebook teens’ bullying, adults are zoned into facebook at work and not focused on their work. 1. For example, at my job New York Road Runner the organization of the NYC Marathon, I have seen m any on facebook chatting and browsing on photos, which have nothing to do with their work. Conclusion I. As we have heard that the virtual world is effecting everyone in different ways II. For our safety and the safety of others we should stop texting and face our reality. III. Being focused on a cell phone or facebook your being distracted from school, work, friends, or places you worship. IV. I encourage you today to try to use less of your cell phones or/ and facebook page and pay attention to the world. Bibliography AAA Foundation of Traffic Safety. Distracted Driving Gayomali, Chris. Jaw Dropper; 18 to 24 olds Average 110 Text Massages per Day, Time Techland, September 2011. Print. Chang, JuJu. Bullied on Facebook, teen 13, Gets Nose Job, ABC News, October 2011. Print. Stanglin, Douglas. Nine, Teens charged with Bullying in Teen’s Suicide, USA Today, March 2010. Print.

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