Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Marketing, ( The All Seasons Hotel) - Assignment.4 Essay

Marketing, ( The All Seasons Hotel) - Assignment.4 - Essay Example All the above mentioned sectors use overseas travel as incentives to their employees as well as non-employee sales agents. Product: A new package with some complimentary offers is designed. It is a 2 nights, 3 days package along with banquet hall as a conference package. It also includes welcome drink, buffet breakfast and bed tea as complimentary offers. These compliments will be subject to the condition that the booking will be made for a minimum of 10 pax or rooms. Promotion: The All Seasons Hotel will be positioned as a business convention hotel for small groups. Promotion would be carried out on-line with relations to contextual advertising with popular search engines like Google and others. Also the associations to which the target segments would belong would also be roped in for publicity. B. As industries like fuel, glass, china, ceramics, armaments, ferrous metallurgy, machinery and equipment and coal are prevalent in Czech Republic and also being strong in engineering, the country can expect lot of business travelers coming from different places. In order to target this segment of consumer business, All Seasons Hotel needs to establish good industrial relations with the industries existing in their country, so that they would recommend their Hotel as a preferred place of stay to their business partners coming from other places. Intangibility is the major difference between a product and a service. For example, when a consumer decides to buy a television or a music system, he can actually see the product, touch it and can turn it on to listen or watch the quality of the picture or music. However, a service is intangible and it is impossible to experience unless it is consumed. The quality of the service is not so easy to establish as clearly as it is done in the case of a product. Let us consider the case of a customer approaching a bank to avail a bank loan. Though the customer has a prior idea about the services

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