Monday, May 25, 2020

How Technology Has Changed Business Environment - 1539 Words

I. Intro As technology continues to advance, the accounting profession needs to adapt in order to continue providing the most value to our clients. Technology has begun to change the way companies are doing business. The technology has given executives the tools to better understand their data. Decisions are no longer based on theory, but on data analysis leveraged by using algorithms. These algorithms allow organizations to understand trends and patterns based on historical events. Accountants have been stereotyped for many years as being anti-social, individuals who only deal with numbers. This stereotype could not be farther from the truth in today’s business environment. The ability to understand the underlying strategy, the systems, and how the various parts of the organization communicate are critical to an accountant’s success. The Institute of Management Accounts realizes the changing business environment and have updated their definition of management accounting accordi ngly. The definition now reads â€Å"â€Å"Management accounting is a profession that involves partnering in a management decision making, devising planning, and performance management systems, and providing expertise in financial reporting and control assist management in the formulation and implementation of an organization’s strategy.† (Williams) Accountants are now deemed to be knowledgeable in more than just financial reporting. Without a clear understanding of how the systems work together accountantsShow MoreRelatedHow Technology Has Changed The Business Environment5148 Words   |  21 PagesThe Impact of Technology: Technology as a whole has changed the business environment, and how it functions drastically over the past 25 years. The Internet was on CNN’s top 25 innovations in the past 20 years ad being named the most influential innovations in the last quarter century. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020

Analysis Of The Book Virginian Luxuries Pictures Essay

1. â€Å"Virginian Luxuries† pictures clearly portraits that there are two kinds of persons i.e.; white men and the black people. The white men have possessed the power, and other two black people seem they lack and don’t have any power in front the white men. This picture represents the physical and sexual exploitation of the slaves in the society. The first picture at the left side has shown well-dressed white man kisses to a black woman. But at the right side of the second picture a white man canes a half-naked black man. If we looked in the past era the pictures seem was drawn from the history, which reveals that the white men are on power lawyer and the black people are a slave to those white men. It has shown the clear indication that the white oppressed the black people in the past. In the first left side picture, the black woman is used temporarily for the white man’s pleasure and in the second right side picture, the black man is treated tranny. These tw o pictures are a clear exemplary to be able to notice the unequal power relationships between the white masters and the black slaves in the past. Alexis de Tocqueville describes the three races in the U.S. in the period of 1855. Tocqueville explained that white people with a strong knowledge, power and living in their original land with their custom keeping, whereas the black slaves who are living in U.S. far from their homeland in his book â€Å"Democracy in America.† According to the Tocqueville, â€Å"The white or the EuropeanShow MoreRelatedAdidas Marketing Plan20768 Words   |  84 PagesSituation†©Analysis:†©Ã¢â‚¬ ©Company†©and†©Competition....................................................................... 1†© Company†©Mission†©and†©Strategy ........................................................................................................................................... 1†© Financial†©Performance............................................................................................................................................................. 2†© Adidas†©SWOT†©Analysis.........Read MoreAdidas Marketing Plan20779 Words   |  84 PagesSituation†©Analysis:†©Ã¢â‚¬ ©Company†©and†©Competition....................................................................... 1†© Company†©Mission†©and†©Strategy ........................................................................................................................................... 1†© Financial†©Performance............................................................................................................................................................. 2†© Adidas†©SWOT†©Analysis.........

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Study Skills and Infomation Literacy for Students

Excellent study skills and information literacy are essential for the successful path of education in every student’s life. Nowadays, students face more challenges in their daily tasks and duty due to the accelerating progress of information, communication and technology. They have step their feet into the zone of competition among others to obtain outstanding achievements in each thing they perform. So, how are they going to ensure if they could acquire these meets and criteria to express themselves as great achievers? Therefore, it is crucial for them to adapt and practice these study skills and information literacy in their life. Study skills are the abilities and approaches applied to learning. They are generally critical to†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Information is, in fact, our most precious resource. In such a world, education should empower everyone, not the few. But for information to become knowledge, and ultimately, one hopes, wisdom, it must be organized. In this new climate, the public interest challenge, beyond access and equity is sorting and selection† (Boyer, 1997, p. 140). We are outfitting our schools, libraries, and homes with electronic technologies. But are we preparing students for the onslaught of information that is provided by these technologies. What happens when students get more information from the internet and than previously conveyed by their teachers or textbooks? What should a student do when faced with so many informational possibilities? This is where information literacy establishes it’s important thus, they need to understand and differentiate be tween types of information. They must define the need of the information and relating it to knowledge. These are all the implementation of information literacy which benefits students during their study time. Furthermore, they will not be panic once get an abundant supply of information, because they are already exposed to the method on how to manage such information. Hence, they will solve the specific problem regarding that matter with a suitable solution without any distractions and pressure. To articulate more on our study skills’ topic, one of the most important skill is the time

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Meritocracy Essay Example For Students

Meritocracy Essay A meritocracy is an environment in which individuals are rewarded for their ability to produce. An example of a meritocracy is the sports world at large. In the sports world, athletes are chosen based on their raw talent and ability to score points and win games. Nothing else is taken into account before each player signs a multi million dollar contract. Things like, being a college drop out, having a criminal record and being a poor role model is overlooked if the athletes can score points for the team. This one sided selection process, is the epitome of a meritocractic society. The owners of the teams are merely looking for someone who can get the job done, no questions asked. Initially, sports was not a meritocracy. The public demanded professional sports teams to have a certain image. The image of the average ball player , was a clean cut all American and a great guy. Even if the player didnt possess the best character traits, he was perceived as a great guy.For example, Babe Ruth was the all American orphan who lived the American Dream, going from rags to riches. In reality, Babe Ruth was a womanizer and a drunk. The professional sportsman was put up on a pedestal and was honored by all. Even if he didnt fit that image, the public at least wanted to believe that he did. This concern for a certain image showed that sports was not a meritocractic society since the public wanted something else, other than performance. Later, sports became a meritocracy. Vince Lombardis famous quote, winning isnt everything, its the only thing embodied the complete transition of sports, from our national pastime to the ugly meritocractic society that it is today. The public was no longer interested in the image, all they wanted was to win and have players who could accomplish their tasks. Selection, from then on, was solely based on who could get the job done. The image was no longer the highlight, and it wasnt important to society. Now, we are paying the price for the meritocractic society of sports. Athletes like Latrell Sprewell, who was almost sent to prison for assaulting his coach in practice, is now a hero on the New York Knicks. Children are flocking to see him play and are trying to emulate is every action. Pete Rose is another example of a player who was held high for his great ability but was also a compulsive gambler. He was punished for his misbehavior at the time, but now the fans want to reinstate him in baseball. Societys lack of concern for misconduct is evidence to the fact that the meritocractic society of sports has severely impacted our morals and value system. There is more emphasis on which sneakers a sports figure wears rather than what kind of person he is. It has now reached the breaking point. The meritocracy of sports is causing the downfall of values in our society and the degeneration of our youth. Our society no longer cares about ethics and morals, society only wants to win, whate ver the costs may be. Bibliography:N/A