Thursday, May 14, 2020

Analysis Of The Book Virginian Luxuries Pictures Essay

1. â€Å"Virginian Luxuries† pictures clearly portraits that there are two kinds of persons i.e.; white men and the black people. The white men have possessed the power, and other two black people seem they lack and don’t have any power in front the white men. This picture represents the physical and sexual exploitation of the slaves in the society. The first picture at the left side has shown well-dressed white man kisses to a black woman. But at the right side of the second picture a white man canes a half-naked black man. If we looked in the past era the pictures seem was drawn from the history, which reveals that the white men are on power lawyer and the black people are a slave to those white men. It has shown the clear indication that the white oppressed the black people in the past. In the first left side picture, the black woman is used temporarily for the white man’s pleasure and in the second right side picture, the black man is treated tranny. These tw o pictures are a clear exemplary to be able to notice the unequal power relationships between the white masters and the black slaves in the past. Alexis de Tocqueville describes the three races in the U.S. in the period of 1855. Tocqueville explained that white people with a strong knowledge, power and living in their original land with their custom keeping, whereas the black slaves who are living in U.S. far from their homeland in his book â€Å"Democracy in America.† According to the Tocqueville, â€Å"The white or the EuropeanShow MoreRelatedAdidas Marketing Plan20768 Words   |  84 PagesSituation†©Analysis:†©Ã¢â‚¬ ©Company†©and†©Competition....................................................................... 1†© Company†©Mission†©and†©Strategy ........................................................................................................................................... 1†© Financial†©Performance............................................................................................................................................................. 2†© Adidas†©SWOT†©Analysis.........Read MoreAdidas Marketing Plan20779 Words   |  84 PagesSituation†©Analysis:†©Ã¢â‚¬ ©Company†©and†©Competition....................................................................... 1†© Company†©Mission†©and†©Strategy ........................................................................................................................................... 1†© Financial†©Performance............................................................................................................................................................. 2†© Adidas†©SWOT†©Analysis.........

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